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"An extended break?" I looked up expectantly at Jimin, the surprise clear in my voice.

Jimin nodded, his face bright with the size of his smile. "Yes. Management says we need break. We need to spend holidays with family."

I was snuggled in Jimin's arms on the sofa in our living room. He had returned from the US on Sunday and we had spent the last two days making up for lost time when I wasn't at work. Jimin had come home this afternoon with the news from management that the company was giving the guys an extended break. It was the first one since 2019 and it would be the first time the guys would have the holidays off since debut. It was a well-deserved break especially after the long couple of weeks they just spent in LA.

"I'm so happy to hear that. It will give you some time to get some rest." I ran a hand through Jimin's hair, grinning when he closed his eyes and moved impossibly closer. He tightened his arms around me and I felt the love that flowed from him in waves. If I ever questioned his love, I knew it was something I needed to stop doing. It was obvious in his eyes, his smile, and his voice and the way he held me as close as he could, his hands gentle on my hair, his lips next to my ear.

"Would you... I want to take you to Busan to meet my family. I want them to know the woman I want to marry." Jimin's question was sweet, hesitant and I could hear the worry in his voice. "I tell my parents we are going to get married. My mom is happy and says she wants to meet you."

"Is... does your mom care that you are marrying a girl from the US?" It had been a worry of mine as soon as I said yes to Jimin. I didn't want to start off on Jimin's family's bad side this early.

Jimin shook his head. "No. I'm happy so she happy. She tell me that is what matters. Not where you're from or even that you're my Noona." Pulling me closer, Jimin kissed my cheek then my lips. "I love you. You love me, yes?" I nodded my head emphatically. "Then that's what matters. Nothing else."

Nodding my head, I relaxed against Jimin's chest, letting his love wash over me like a warm summer rain, like a blanket fresh from the dryer. It felt so comfortable and I knew this was where I was supposed to be. Jimin tapped my nose and I looked up, realizing he was waiting for my response. "I would... would like to meet your family."

Jimin sighed in relief and I knew he had been worried about it. "Okay. I make plans with my parents. We figure it out all, okay?" At my nod, Jimin grinned. "Now... how about we move this cuddle session to bed?"

From the look on Jimin's face, I could see that just cuddling was the last thing on his mind and I was absolutely all in. Standing up, I grabbed his hand and tugged him to his feet. Still holding his hand, we made our way to the bedroom, Jimin moving behind me and placing his hands on my hips and attaching his lips to my neck. I couldn't stop the small moan that left my lips and when he pressed up closer to me, I could tell he was just as aroused as I was.

Jimin tugged me into the bedroom and soon we were both stripped down, falling into the comfortable bed together. Jimin's hands and body were hot as he pulled me closer and I melted under his touch, taking every sensation that he was willing to give me.

Needing to feel his lips on mine, I pulled him closer and captured his lips with mine, taking the time to appreciate the perfect softness, the plush fullness, the taste that was just Jimin, something that was only him and unlike anything I had ever experienced.

Jimin carded his fingers through my hair, holding me close to him. Within moments, he was settling over me and I knew I was in for a perfect night.

"D-damn!" Jimin laughed at my shaky voice as he lay next to me. "You... your energy is amazing!"

A smug smile appeared on Jimin's face and I pinched his side, making him whine in protest. "Sorry Noona." From the giggle in his voice, I could tell he wasn't sorry in the slightest and it made me laugh.

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