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Jimin POV:

"No Noona! Don't go to work!" I wrapped my arms around Y/N as the alarm blared, signaling she had to get up and get ready for work. "Not yet." I tried to give her my best pout, but she just pecked my lips and gently disentangled herself from my arms.

"I wish I could stay here with you all day baby, but I have to go to work." Y/N leaned over the bed and ran a hand through my hair. "When I get home, we can snuggle for the rest of the day."

Although I would rather her stay with me, enjoy the time with her while I was still on break, I knew she was right. I had offered for her to quit her job and I would take care of her, but she shut that idea down right away. I had wanted to argue it, but she had just explained that she had worked hard to finish college, to get her degree, to be able to teach and it was something she had always wanted to do. As much as I would have liked to just be able to spoil her, I knew she was right. Part of me felt a sense of pride at her decision. It helped me to realize that she really did love me for me and not the idol that I was. She loved Park Jimin, not the persona on stage and it made my heart flutter in my chest.

"Okay Noona, but as soon as you get home, we snuggle okay?" I put my hands under my chin in a childish plea, knowing it worked every time.

"Sounds good to me." Moving away from the bed, Y/N grabbed her clothes and took them into the bathroom to take a shower. As soon as I heard the shower running, I hopped out of bed. Even though I would have liked to stay there and enjoy the extra hours of sleep, taking care of the love of my life was my priority. I hurried into the kitchen and started the coffee, pulling out the creamer that she loved and getting everything ready. I knew she wasn't a huge breakfast eater, but I wanted to make her something so I pulled out the bagels she loves and put one in the toaster, making sure the temperature was perfect. She was always so good to me that I wanted to do something nice for her, spoil her, baby her, love her like she did for me.

The toaster dinged and I pulled out her bagel, prepping it with her favorite cream cheese and putting it on a pretty little plate. I put the plate, her coffee, and one of the flowers from the vase on the counter onto a tray and carried it into the bedroom, setting it on the dresser. The bathroom door opened and the love of my life came out, humming one of my songs, Serendipity, drying her hair with a towel. She stopped when she saw me, her cheeks flushing pink, and I couldn't help but grin.

"Baby? What's this?" Y/N gestured towards the tray on the dresser, a soft smile on her face.

"I wanted to make you breakfast." I ducked my head in embarrassment, but when she twined her arms around my neck, I looked up and met her eyes. The look on her face was one so full of love and adoration that it stunned me for a moment, that this beautiful, sweet, caring, kind woman loved me and only me.

"I love you Jimin." Y/N's words were sincere and when I gently kissed her lips, her arms tightened around me.

I continued to kiss her, keeping it sweet and tender then pulled back. "And I love you Y/N. So much." I pecked her lips one more time then patted her butt. "Now eat your breakfast and drink your coffee while it is still hot."

Y/N grinned and pinched my cheek gently then went over to the tray. She picked up her coffee cup and took a sip, the smile on her face letting me know I had done everything perfectly. She turned and winked at me before taking a bite of her bagel. I moved to her side and she held it out to me, sharing the simple meal. I took a bite then used my thumb to wipe the smidgen of cream cheese off her lip.

As she finished, I took the tray back into the kitchen so she could finish getting ready for work. I washed the plate and cup, setting everything in the strainer on the counter. Although there was a housekeeper that came in once a week to do the deep cleaning, Y/N and I liked to keep the apartment clean during the rest of the time. After I finished straightening the kitchen, I went back into the bedroom. Through the open bathroom door, I could see Y/N standing at the counter, applying her makeup. I slipped in behind her, putting my arms around her waist. She caught my eye in the mirror and gave me a smile. "Hi baby."

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