Chapter 13

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Ranboos POV:
We walk to the nearest shop. Hannah to the left of me holding my hand,and Karl behind us on his phone.
"What are we making today then?" Hannah asks in a quiet voice.
"Ummm" Karl says "hang on," he stares at his phone. " a cake, a pizza, and pancakes" he says reading a list of his phone.
"I love pancakes imma eat the all you guys can have the cake" I say laughing.
"Noooo" Hannah chirps up "you gotta share the pancakes with me" she says.
"Fine you can all have a tiny bit" I say with a frown on my face. Which makes me realise I need to put my mask and sunglasses on. I put them on as I walk into the shop. Hannah leads us to the baking aisle then to the other aisles. We buy what we need and walk back home. We carry all the ingredients to the kitchen and lay it out in order that we would need. Then I set up the camera and lighting. I make it so there is enough room for a few people to be in the kitchen at a time.
"Hannah?" I pull her aside from everyone else "are you okay to be in this stream, I want you to feel ready" I ask her whilst holding her arm.
"Yeah, I'll only come on for a bit and try to keep everything under control. Now that Nikki minx, Phil and Kristin have gone out, no one else can be trusted" she says with a chuckle.
"okay"i laugh back "i agree with you" i pull her into a hug.
"RANBOO WE ARE READY" tommy shouts in my ear.
"Okay okay no need to yell I'm right here Tommy" i give hannah a thumbs up and start the stream.

Hannahs POV:
Tommy is stood behind ranboo as he starts the stream. I look at the chat and see things like 'where is everyone else' 'I thought you were with the dream smp irl'.  Karl, sapnap, quackity and dream walk in behind them as the chat freaks out. Things like 'WOOOOOO' and then I see something that makes me smile. 'Where's Hannah I love her the most!' I walk on camera as ranboo introduces me "im sure you know this is hannah and she will look after us, because she doesnt trust us" he says giving me a side hug. I giglle and walk off to look at chat 'woo! yes hannah' 'i dont trust tommy either to be honest'. one comment catches my eye 'Hannah has so many fans for nothing'. My smile turns into nothing, my happiness has disappeared. I place the phone on the counter and go to help with the camera. Do people really not like me? Ranboo talks about making a pizza and puts it in the oven. "Lets make the pancakes" dream says excitedly. "Yes!" tommy shouts. "ill make the batter" karl says, going towards the cupboard. Once they had mixed the batter using George's word 123 method, Tommy said "I'll turn the hob on" he then turns around and struggles to turn it on "I can't turn the hob on" he continues to say. I walk into the kitchen and call him an idiot, turn it on, then leave. I pick up my phone and look at chat. Where again I find more comments about me 'Hannah is so overrated' 'she only has fans because she's Tommys sister' I get overwhelmed and stand up really quickly, i mouth to ranboo 'I'm gonna sit in my room' he nods and carry's on with the stream.  I walk up to my room, thoughts rushing through my head, tears in my eyes. I get into my room and lie in bed, nothing is helping me I turn on ranboos stream. His voice calms me down. I forgot to turn the chat off and see more comments about me. My hands start shaking and my breath quickens. I attempt to call someone, anyone who can help me. My fingers almost missing or clicks on my recent contact, ranboo. I quickly pull the phone to my ear. 1 ring, tears form in my eyes. 2 rings, my heart beats faster.
"Hello?" His voice comes through the speaker
"Please come upstairs" I say quickly between panicked breaths.
"I'll be right there" he replies back
I sit there trembling and crying until I hear fast footsteps. He barges into the room and looks at me. He immediately rushes over grabbing my hands.
"Hannah what's wrong?" He whispers. I pick my phone up and show him the screenshots. He shakes his head
"Don't worry about them! They just haven't got to know you yet!!" He pulls me into a hug. Tommy walks into the room and walks over.
"Hannah look at me" he says. "Count down with me from 10"
We count down from ten my heart goes back to a steady pace, my body calms down.
"Thank you" I whisper to ranboo, still in tears.
"Anything for you"

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