Chapter 1

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Watery light shone on the desktop; the moon hid behind thick clouds in the navy sky. (Y/N) fiddling with her pen as she starred through the slightly frosted window, snow rested at each wooden frame. Struggling to complete her assignment, she gave up and strode to the kitchen, eyelids drooping and hands smeared with fading blue ink and dried up correction tape. Grabbing a mug and two capsules of different colors: brown and white. Craning her neck to flick the on switch, she inserted the capsules and fitted it back to the machine. It whirred and purred as it squirted boiling coffee into her turquoise cup. Taking a quick glance to her ticking clock, it was 00:10. The coffee machine hissed softly behind her back, she then took some milk from the fridge and a box of Fruity Peebles.

It was strangely silent outside; no chirps, no tweets nor hoots. The silence weighed on her, forcing shallow breaths and trembling fingertips.


Something rushed outside, nearly choking on her final spoonful of soggy cereal. Dabbing her milk-moustache mouth, she peered outside. A cold chill crawled up her spine. Placing her sweaty palms on her forehead, making sure she wasn't running down with a cold, she tried to take her mind off the creature or what ever it was. She clambered on her bed and wrapped her thin arms around her chilly knees, either trying to warm up or forming into a harmless ball so nothing could hurt her. Finally, she released the clamping knees, stretching them out and rubbing her sore chest. She looked outside through her bedside window from the bed. Gazing at the twinkling stars high above, the moon beamed at her as if reminding her, "There's nothing to worry about, (Y/N). Only me and the stars."

But something wasn't right about the stars. They weren't there anymore; only two beady ones flashed at her. But that wasn't the only thing that wasn't right, those stars are not even stars. They were eyes.

(Y/N) screamed at the horrifying sight, two blood-shot eyes pierced through her heart, as if it were daggers. Blinking terrifyingly at the eyes, the second she blinked the red eyes were gone and the real stars soothed her down from the incident. Her eyes were welling with tears and her body shook uncontrollably as she gulped sobs slowly.

She soon fell into light sleep and then jolted up to a creepy creak. Creeping up to the front door, the door was agar; someone else was in the house. Peeping over behind the wardrobe, a dark blonde haired teen was rummaging in the freezer, peering at the frozen goods. He wore a worn out grey windbreaker, a faded pair of leather gloves, baggy sweatpants and black Nikes, caked with mud and dirt.

The floorboard creaked beneath her, she gasped and hid behind the dusty closet, hoping not to be seen. The man took his eyes of the freezer and smirked as he turned around, slamming the freezer door shut. She could see that the man was getting closer, clenching his fists, popping knuckles proudly. She whimpered silently as the man stopped in front of her.

"Hey, you know I can smell you," the man calmly pointed out. "That lavender perfume is giving you away, girl."

"What do you want from me?!" (Y/N) whimpered, taking shaky breaths in between phrases, her hands felt for her bat. "Please just leave me alone, please..."

"Oh, nothing much to ask. Food."

Her heart dropped. She slowly tighten her grip around her bat, ready to strike. She shifted her position, making her way out of the crack of the wardrobe. The man didn't look anything wrong but, the dark, eerie aura that was emitted around him make her grit her teeth even harder. He was grinning, as if he was getting free dinner. His eyes flickered at her as he rubbed the back of his neck.

The man stepped forward to get a better look of her, she swung her bat as hard a she could, hoping for the best. But then, she heard a loud snap. The man was grasping one part of the bat, the other laying on the floor, along with other long chunks of wood. She gasped, her only hope was crushed to smithereens. The man chuckled darkly, dropping the chunk of wood to the ground.

"Hey, hey. I'm not here to hurt you. I was just joking around, y'know." the dark blonde-haired man soothed, again scratching his neck and the back of his palms.

"Joking?! Just joking?! You were stalking me!" (Y/N) exclaimed furiously, making angry hand gestures. "I was scared to frickin' death, you stupid nitwit!"

The man smiled lopsidedly and wrapped his arms around her. (Y/N) at first gaped at the sudden action, but strangely she hugged him back like as if the man were an old friend.  

"I-I, thanks. I guess.. Well, what do you want from me?" she asked timidly to the stranger.

"Like I said, food. Not you." he replied, taking notice of her shocked expression. "I'm not a.. vampire or something."

"Phew, now that's settled. What do you wanna eat? This ain't a restaurant though. I don't have a lot of food. Only got cereal, a bit of bread and some chicken tenders."

The stranger's eyes widened.

"Uhhh, the chicken tenders, please. I haven't ate anything in a while." he pleaded, eyes already flickering on the frosted packaging in the freezer.

(Y/N) nodded a started to turn on the air-fryer beside her, stabbing glowing buttons and ripping the packaging open.

"So, dude. Who are you, really? I don't wanna be rude but, you literally barged in my house, it wouldn't hurt to ask their name?" (Y/N) wondered, plopping the frozen chicken pieces into the pan.

"Oh, My name's Clay. What's yours?"

"(Y/N). Nice name, Clay. Do you live nearby by any chance?" she again inquired.

"Umm, yeah sort of."

A soft ding chirped behind Clay's back. (Y/N) tugged the pan, releasing aromatic smells. She took a relieved yet shaky breath. Clay's eyes flickered at the steaming chicken tenders, rubbing his hands.

As (Y/N) placed the warm tenders on the dining table, alongside a ketchup and mayo dipping in tiny bowls, Clay was already grabbing three tenders between his fingers, dunking each into the dipping. The girl smiled shyly at him when he wasn't looking. I guess this guy is gonna live with me for a while...

Hello! Sorry that this chapter was a wee bit short, well to me of course.. Hope you enjoyed the book! -Donut

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