Chapter 12

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Clay and Tubbo finally arrived home; the rest of Clay's pack was tending their wounds or just eating whatever they had in the fridge.

"Hello?" Clay yelled as he and Tubbo came in.

Wilbur's head peeped from the kitchen, a delighted smile sprawled over his face. He staggered towards Clay and Tubbo, giving each a well-deserved hug and short pep talk. Niki appeared from the kitchen, her sky blue eyes lighten up as soon as she saw Clay and Tubbo.

"Boys! They're back!" Niki hollered to the kitchen, hearing rushed footsteps reluctantly. 

George and Nick wrapped their arm round Clay and Tubbo's neck; which eventually became a very large group hug. 

"Not to break the fun, but, where's (Y/N) and Tommy?" Wilbur asked.

"Oh, me and Tubs decided to get a tad bit more supplies before bashing into Dave's bunker again." Clay replied, striding to the kitchen.

Patches approached Clay, her olive green eyes beaming at her owner as Clay picked her up and cuddled her. He placed the kitty down and opened a cabinet filled with some medical supplies: bandages, alcohol swabs, pills and a box of disposable gloves and face masks. He tossed some bandages and alcohol swabs in his duffel bag, then heading back to the living room were the rest were. Tubbo stood up from the sofa, casually was watching George and Nick play UNO, as he waved everyone bye and went outside once more into the bitter coldness. The sun was peeping from the horizon and the sky was tinged orange. Clay turned into his wolf form and held the duffel bag in his jaws as Tubbo turned into his wolf self and sniffed the ground like a police dog. 

"What are you doing? We know the way already, no need to sniff the way there." Clay said, his words muffled with the duffel in his mouth. 


As they were about to leave, a voice came from inside the house.


The two wolves turned their heads around to see Wilbur standing by the door. 

"What Wilbur?" Clay asked.

"Can I come too? I really wanna see Tommy.." Clay nodded as Wilbur transformed into a wolf.

The three wolves headed into the forest, Clay leading the pack with his snout pointing straight at the direction he was heading. It didn't took long for them to arrive at Dave's base as Wilbur stared blankly at the entrance door left ajar. Clay sauntered in first, then Tubbo and finally Wilbur. Their pointy ears perked up at every morsel creak, eyes darting for any signs of Techno or Ranboo. After a few minutes of wandering around, they concluded Dave and Ranboo weren't there anymore. Clay made their way to the hallway and soon found themselves in a familiar room: the iron cages situated in a specific order, were oddly empty except for two. Tommy and the young girl were sleeping fitfully, both had their arms wrapped tight around their knees. Clay and Wilbur approached the two cages and lockpicked the padlock open, the cage door creaking as the two prisoners stir awake.

"Clay..." the girl mumbled, her eyes half lit and a wary smile on her peaky face.

Clay wrapped his arms around her back, his dark blonde fur rubbing softly on her face as she too hugged him back. Wilbur had tears in his eyes when his younger brother was in his grasp and Tubbo joined in their group hug. Clay pushed away from the girl gently and he helped her up. Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo walked towards him as they paced to the exit. As they went out, they heard a rustle of leaves from a bush beside them. The girl frowned merely at the shrub, curiosity growing in her. Clay sniffed the air and a loop-sided smirk grew on his face.

"Come on Phil. That's too cliché, mate." Clay smiled as Wolf Phil strode out of the bush, his oak brown hair glinted in the scarce light.

(Y/N) gaped at the wolf in front of her, then looking at Clay for his reassurance.

"Oh, (Y/N), this is Phil Watson, our ex-alpha. Kinda." Clay chuckled, placing an arm on Phil's broad shoulder.

She shook hands with Phil, his hands having the pleasant warmth to it, and scooched back to Clay with a tight smile. 

"So, why are you here?" Clay asked.

"No reason. Thought I might saw Dave and his helper here, but I haven't seen them yet. I wonder what happened." Phil said.

"Oh, that, uh-"

"Okay, I'll explain what really happened. So, Tommy and (Y/N) got kidnapped by Dave and brought him here. Then, Clay went out searching for them and found them but got shot in the shoulder and also got locked in a cage. Then, I came along and helped Clay with his plan. The plan was to, uh, well, bite Ranboo under the full moon, to turn him into a werewolf and give Dave a taste of his own medicine. Now, Dave's all sad and everything." Tubbo explained, barely taking any breathes in between.

Phil bit his lip reluctantly as he stared hard at Clay. 


"Phil I did it, well, I kinda overreacted a bit." Clay sighed. "Okay, maybe a lot. But, like little Tubbo said, we should give him a taste of his own medicine." 

"He's my still my son, no matter what." Phil said. "I should be going now.."

With that said, Phil slunk back into the forest as Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, the girl and Clay went back home.

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