Chapter 14

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"Ranboo, come with us." Clay said to the apprentice, who was half-asleep under a tree.

Ranboo nodded as he stretched awake and followed the alpha. The rest of Clay's pack was waiting impatiently by the edge of the clearing. Ranboo wanted to ask the alpha where he was taking him, but he didn't had the ability to speak yet, the only means of communicating were whines and growls from what he heard. 

"Let's go." Clay said to his pack as they sprinted off.

Ranboo tried to keep up with the pack, but after a while, he was at the back of the line. His legs wouldn't go any further, his muscles aching as he sat down to rest. The pack was clearly too far for him to catch, but he thought he'll catch up later. A few minutes later, he had been energized fitfully and now able to catch up with Clay and his friends. One thing though, he had no idea where they were.

He first tried to sniff their scent, since seeing Clay doing it in front of him before, but his senses won't work. He then tried to call for them, but it turned out to sound like a wounded donkey. 

I'm so stupid. Knowing I just started with this wolf thing, I thought I could do what Clay could. He's been a werewolf for years!

He heard a twig snap behind him. He heard faint footsteps from behind the thick greenery that surrounded him. He caught a glimpse of sharp, blood-stained fangs. Fear gripped him as he heard a rustle of leaves in front of him. He slowly stared up to see who or what it was. It was a wolf about three sizes larger than any normal one; it had hazel brown fur with hints of light blonde; piercing golden eyes; a healing scar over its snout and extremely sharp claws with a speck of blood. Ranboo whimpered as he saw it came closer with its jaws bared. 

"Well, well, what are you doing here alone without ye pack, son?" the wolf seethed.

Ranboo locked eyes with the wolf. Another werewolf I guess, Ranboo thought. He opened his mouth to answer, but only mere grunts and yips came out. The brown wolf at first frowned at the answer, but then he seemed to understand what was going on. 

"Come with me, rookie." the wolf said. "Stay at my place until your pack finds you." 

This time Ranboo eagerly followed the wolf, for he didn't want to be left behind in the woods with all the creepy creatures prowling. After ten minutes of walking, they arrived at a log cabin. The wolf pushed through the wooden door and into the cabin. It wasn't big, but it was cozy; with a crackling fire in the fireplace mantel, three different sized bean bags and loads of board games tucked away at the lowest compartment in a bookshelf. The larger wolf strode into the kitchen as Ranboo marveled the house. As he was admiring the humble abode, he noticed a picture on the mantelpiece. It had three young boys and one man, the boys looked familiar to him. The youngest boy had light blonde hair and sky blue eyes with a lopsided grin on his face, it was Tommy. The next boy was slightly older than Tommy and wore circular shaped glasses, curly cinnamon brown hair and had hazel brown eyes; Wilbur. The last one was significantly the oldest, with dark brown hair and a tight smile on his face. It was Dave. Which meant the man in the photo was their father. Ranboo remembered Dave telling him all about his family, mentioning his brothers and not much of his father. The least he knew about his father was his name. 

He heard heavy footsteps from the kitchen, the wolf was coming back. He rushed onto one of the bean bags and pretended he didn't did anything by staring at the odd colors of his fur being the same as his hair. When he looked up to see the wolf, it wasn't there. Instead, an old man was standing by the mantel and admiring the picture on it. The man had dark blonde hair and cobalt blue eyes and was wearing a half buttoned up shirt and khaki pants. He scratched his stubble as he adverted his gaze to Ranboo, giving him a calm smile. He walked towards him and showed him a silver ring. 

Ranboo reluctantly started to wheeze as he felt his fur sinking back into his skin and his fangs smoothening. He was forming back. His body shrank into its normal size and his feet were no longer hind legs and his snout had waned into his skin. Ranboo looked at the old man after the tingling sensation had passed. The man gave him spare clothes without looking at him and went back to the kitchen to let the apprentice change into his clothes. Ranboo noticed that his hair was a few inches longer than it had before and his nails were slightly sharpened. The clothes the man gave him were two sizes too big for him, but they'll do. The man returned with a cup of tea and a tin of biscuits. Ranboo sat on a armchair and took a biscuit as the man poured a cup of tea for him. 

"Rookie, I think I know who you are. You're Dave's friend aren't ya? Ranboo something wasn't it?" the man said cheerfully.

Ranboo nodded. 

"H-how did you know?" Ranboo asked, his ability to speak coming back.

"Clay told me. He's the current Alpha of my old pack. I sort of retired from being the leader. By the way, I'm-"

"Phil Watson." 

"Oh you knew. Dave must've told you about me." Phil smiled.

"So, Mr. Watson, you're Dave's father? He didn't told me much about you." Ranboo said.

"Yea. Oop, someone's at the door. Gimme a sec." Phil stood up and walked to the door.

He opened the door to see Clay and his pack in their human form. Phil greeted them in as the pack walked inside the cabin. Tommy was on the floor pulling out a Monopoly board game from the bookshelf as Tubbo took out a Battleship game. Nick and George were idly talking to each other while Niki and Wilbur sat on the couch, Wilbur sighing pleasurably with his left arm tucked behind Niki's neck. Clay was discussing something with Phil by the fireplace. 

"So, you're doing it?" Clay said brightfully.

"As long as you pay, I'm in." Phil replied calmly.

They turned their heads to Ranboo, which made him sank into the bean bag slightly. Clay approached him silently as he placed a hand on Ranboo's shoulder, causing him to breathe through gritted teeth, and stared deeply into Ranboo's eyes.

"Ranboo, me and Phil decided it's best if you, like, train with Phil. He's experienced enough to train others." Clay sighed. "You're not ready yet on your own."

Ranboo recalled back when the tiny foxes scared the living crap out of him; he clearly didn't want it to happen again.

"You'll learn how to hunt, use Wolf Talk, all the wolf stuff. Trust me. Dave won't help you much now, since you'll lose control and try to kill him, so trust me." Clay's stare softened.

"Fine. Might as well do something on full moon nights." Ranboo smiled half-heartedly.

Tubbo appeared out of nowhere, holding a Monopoly board game in his hands.

"Wanna play?" Tubbo asked.

Clay and Phil went to the coffee table where the rest of the pack where huddled in front of a map of the Monopoly world. Each had a figure except Tubbo, who was the banker and he didn't wanted to play. He handed out the money and arranged the cards and tiny houses. Ranboo sat on the couch and watched them roll the dice to see who'll go first.

"George! You had the highest roll! You go first!" Clay said, giving George a dog figure.

George rolled the dice and ended up getting fined. Phil went next and bought land. 

"Wanna join Ranboo? It'll be fun!" Tubbo hollered from the table, handing Wilbur 250 dollars.

Ranboo shook his head solemnly as he felt a wave of sleep rushed over him. The ambient laughs and the rolling of the dice lulled him slowly, he didn't want to doze off but, the noises around him were like a lullaby. He yawned tiredly as he adjusted his posture and closed his eyes.

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