Chapter 2

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Clay glanced outside, the moon was appearing behind the dense sheets of clouds. He grunted shallowly as he strode towards his patched up duffel bag. (Y/N) was typing and scribbling words either on her laptop or on a hand-sized notebook. She glanced at him while Clay was packing random things into his bag. She got up and strode towards him. He saw her coming and quickly zipped the bag and carried it on his shoulder as he twisted the doorknob.  

"Hey, hey, where are you going at this time?" (Y/N) asked, eyebrows crinkling with wonder.

"I gotta meet up with my friends right now. I'll probably come back at sunrise." Clay stuttered, not making any eye contact with (Y/N). 

"Well, stay safe!" she yelped as she watched Clay strode outside, slamming the door behind him.

Clay rushed away from the cabin, pain crawling up his thighs. He felt fur sprout on his arms and back, his hands forming into a claw-like shape. He was just too close to the cabin; he had to move further into the dense forest.  Forcing himself to trudge forward, he felt his body way to big for his shirt, he took of the shirt and tossed it in the duffel. After a few minutes of running and suffer, he agreed to settle down for a minute to complete his transformation. He glanced at himself: dark blonde fur coated him, his feet were more like hind legs; furry and paw-padded like his hands, a tail was tucked between his legs, a pair of pointy ears, tens of knife-like teeth and yellow-slit eyes. A howl echoed in the woods, he recognized it.

Clay leaped on all fours as he followed the howls deeper in the forest, bashing against low branches and sharp rocks. This time he heard grunts and a sharp yowl. 

He stopped by a stretching river; two figures were haloed. One was a lot taller than the other, the other one was squirming and looked not human. Clay stood on his hind legs and paced towards them. Taking a closer look at them, one was certainly a werewolf, probably having his first transformation. The werewolf was struggling to remain calm as he formed, luckily he was nearly done with it. The other man was trying to soothe the werewolf, ended getting scratched and bit. Clay tugged the wounded man away from the wolf, nose bleeding and his right arm gashed. 

"Clay! Blimey, Tommy's having a hard time forming. It's his first time, y'know." the man thanked him, his accent being very clear. 

"No prob, mate. I'll get him under control. Wilbur, you heal up. You're bleeding out there." Clay explained, rummaging for medical supplies in his duffel. 

Clay lunged on Tommy, who was still out-of-control, landing on him.

"TOMMY! YOU GOTTA STOP THIS!" Clay yelled at the top of his lungs as he was being bit and scratched.

Clay slapped him hard, trying to get him out of it.

"Gah! That hurt like... bad!" Tommy murmured, lips dripping with blood.

Tommy got up from the moss, his light blonde fur sprinkled with twigs and bits of moss. He flipped his clawed hands, then looked his wolfed body. He wagged his tail erratically and then looked at Wilbur, his tail no longer wagging. 

"Heh, sorry Will. I didn't meant to do that." Tommy chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. 

Wilbur snorted and eyed Tommy beadily. 

"Whatever, I'm going to form in a bit. I'm bit flushed after your transformation." spat Wilbur, already taking off his shirt and tossing it in Clay's bag along with Tommy's. 

"Where are the rest? I thought they'd be coming." Clay inquired Wilbur as he washed his face in the river. 

"Oh, they're coming. Me and Tommy went a bit early today, want a bit of privacy, y'know." Wilbur groaned, "I'll come back in a bit, I don't like people seeing me form."

Wilbur disappeared up the mountain. Tommy was scratching the back of his neck again. Clay watched him bitterly, biting his lip. He approached him slowly, remembering when he first turned. Tommy crouched over the crook, looking at his reflection in the freezing water. 

"Hey, you remind a lot of me when I first turned." Clay stated, eyes starring at the cobalt blue sky.

"What do I have in common with you?!" Tommy shrugged, eyes focusing on his wolf self.

"Well, you're lucky you have someone to help you out with your transformation. I didn't; I was all on my own. I ran away from home, knowing that my family will dump me anyways when they'll find out I'm a freak." Clay rasped, his voice cracking slightly.

Tommy looked up at Clay, he had tears welling in his eyes. Tommy leaned on his shoulder, sobbing silently. 

"TOMMY!" a slightly hoarse voice squealed behind them.

A wolf, slightly smaller than Tommy, pounced on him as it panted softly on him. Tommy shoved him down and then it stood on its hind legs. It had coffee brown fur, a short, pert snout and yellow eyes, hinted with green.

"TUBBO!" Tommy boomed, wrapping his arms around him.

"Wow, Tommy! You-you look awesome!" Tubbo snickered, still wrapped tight in Tommy grasp. "Is that Wilbur?"

Wilbur stood behind them, smiling softly at them, his cinnamon brown furry coat glinted in the pale moonlight. He saluted to Tubbo, his beanie swinging in the air. He starred at Tubbo for a moment and then slowly approached him. Tubbo hugged Wilbur loosely, collapsing into his fuzzy coat of fur as he headbutted him playfully.

Tommy watched Wilbur plainly as he ruffled Tubbo's mid-long hair. Wilbur noticed Tommy's observations and tried to cheer him up.

"Hey, Tommy, Clay and I are going hunting in half an hour. Tubbo's coming with us. You wanna join? You could learn how to catch a stag or something." Wilbur purposed, his yellow eyes glinting in the moonlight.

Tommy's eyes flickered. He looked up at Wilbur, who loomed patiently by his side, and grinned foolishly at him. Wilbur chuckled, getting his claws ready for the hunt. 

'Tommy's gonna love this...'

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