Chapter 1

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Hi minna-san! This is another Fairy Tail AU! It's a collaboration between me and @HelplessRomantic_2! She'll be writing the odd chapters (she wrote this one) and I'll be doing the even ones! Be sure you check hers out too okay??

Yosh! Let's start!


~Third Person~

Before the day of the actual opening of the Fairy Institute, they got night shipments: the Special Containment people. The ones who had locked doors up on the third floor. One of which was Jellal, an old friend of someone who was coming in the morning because of him. Jellal Fernandes was in Special Containment because he had a form of schizophrenia. He believed he could see the 'Black Wizard'. Jellal didn't know the name of this wizard who told him there was no freedom on this land. Therefore, the mental disease made him force his friends to keep working on the off map island, making a 'prison'. Jellal sat on the floor of the padded room laughing, his voice dripped with a mad man's tone. "THIS IS WHAT I MEANT! THERE IS NO FREEDOM IN THIS WORLD! IT'S JUST, ENDLESS OF PEOPLE FORCING PEOPLE TO DO STUFF THEY DONT WANT TOO!" he cackled. A woman with purple hair and brown eyes walked in the room, making sure the door behind her closes.

Jellal couldn't stand up; his arms were trapped in the straitjacket that tied behind his back, not allowing him to hold the wall to get up, or way out gravity. "Jellal. My name is Ultear. I'm one of the counselors working with the fourteen to eighteen department," she says smiling softly. He chuckles.

"They forced you to come in here didnt they? You had no free all. Because as a counselor, you're forced to listen to my stupid problems," he smirks. Ultear scrunched her nose up.

'This Jellal will be harder to open up than I thought.' "Why do you believe there is no freedom Jellal?" She asks, sitting down on the white block in the room, holding her purple pen down on the white paper.

"Because the black wizard! He said..he said no freedom...we're always gonna be.." Jellal paused, letting out a low chuckle. "Trapped butterflies, in this giant round jar.." Silence filled the room. It took Ultear awhile to respond, as she gathered proof to help her side of the case.

"But. What about the people who travel the world freely? Thats freedom right? And the freedom to choose who you're going to marry. And Jellal, I wasn't forced to come in here. I chose on my own," Ultear said with a serious tone. Jellal looked at Ultear. He had no response. Ultear brown eyes locked with Jellal's, as if she was using his eyes to read him. Ultear stood up, writing on the clipboard. She stared at Jellal, "A nurse will be here in the morning to give you pills. You will take them when I'm back. If you can think of one way freedom makes you trapped once more, I'll loosen the jacket," she says, walking out. Jellal rolled his eyes as he looked over and saw the black wizard leaning against the wall.

"She forgot many things, you'll need a job to pay for freedom, in marriage you're trapped together. As you make more butterflies. Trapping them." The dark wizard silently whispers, looking up towards the white roof. Jellal nods, as he curls into a ball in the room. "Also Jellal, don't take those pills. Or you will forget we have no freedom," was the 'Black Wizard's final words before disappearing.

'But how can I deceive the nurses?' Jellal mentally asks himself.

¤Next Day¤

Two red heads brought suitcases and a sleeping red head through the front doors. The sleeping red head in their arms was a girl. She looked like she was having a bad dream as she was drenched in sweat. "Um, Hello. I'm Aria Scarlet. I called yesterday about the opening for my daughter Erza?" The woman carrying the suitcases said, the receptionist, Laki smiled.

"Yes, Erza Scarlet, please follow Nurse Mirajane." The lavender haired girl smiles motioning to the busty white haired female. The red heads follow the white haired.

"So, may I ask what Erza is in for? And if there any pills for her that she needs to take? We normally give them the stuff they need in the morning." Mirajane says as they walk past the doors, the two parents were confused to where they are going.

"So where are we going? Also, Erza is in for Anthropophobia, and iron pills..."Mr. Scarlet says.

"To the second floor, which is fourteen to eighteen year olds. So we have teens with teens." Mirajane says, as they go up the second floor Mirajane opened the first door as it showed a small room with a bed, a dresser, a closet, and a lamp. Mr. Scarlet was hesitant about putting Erza on the bed. "Erza will be fine, when she wakes up she'll have a session with one of your guidance counselors."

"Ben. Do it." Aria says sadly as she places the suit cases on top of the dresser. Mirajane smiles as Ben places the sweating girl on the bed.

"She'll be fine, Mr. Scarlet. She can call someone once a month and take calls if it makes you feel better," Mirajane smiles. Aria holds onto her husband's shoulder as they weakly smile.

"We better get going," Aria says, taking off. Ben follows as Mirajane walks out, closing the door with a loud click. When Erza's eyes shoot open, she realized something. She was near people....


Check HelplessRomantic_2's story as well okeydoke? ^-^

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