Chapter 14

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Written by me~

This is the same day as last chapter, just written from other people's perspectives. :)

Wonder what happened elsewhere~? :3



~Third Person~

Two young children, one a boy and the other a girl, sat on top of a plain hill, sitting together side by side as they felt the cool fall breeze on their faces.

"Hey, do you think dragons are real?" the boy asked, abruptly breaking the quiet silence between the two of them.

"Hmm? Why do you ask?" the girl responded, glancing over to the boy in curiosity.

"Eh? Well, there were these older boys who said they didn't exist, could you believe that?!" the boy replied in an incredulous tone.

"Ehh? Really? And what were you doing with older people?" The girl raised one of her eyebrows over the other, a sly smirk curling on her lips. "Does it have anything to do with your new kitten?"

"Wh-? T-that doesn't matter!" the boy blushed in embarrassment as he noticed the smug smile on the girl's face. "Lector had been bullied by them, I swear! Anyways, you don't believe they exist too?!"

"Hahaha, no no no, I actually think they exist too," the girl laughed.

"Phew! You scared me for a sec there," the boy sighed with relief.

"My bad~! Hehehe," the girl giggled. The two then smiled at each other and continued looking at the setting sun, its rays radiating twilight of various warm colors."Hey..we'll, we'll be friends forever, right?" the girl asked quietly.

"Eh? Why are you asking that?" the boy asked, caught off guard by the sudden serious question. The girl kept her gaze on the setting sun, the warm colors turning a soft purple.

"...Just asking," she vaguely replied. The boy noticed this. He paused for a bit before a toothy grin curling onto his lips. He threw his arm around the girl's shoulders, making her flinch in surprise.

"'Course we will Jess!" the boy laughed. "Friends forever, that'd be the best!" The girl's cheeks splashed with a rosy pink before she returned the smile.

"Yeah, that'd be the best.."


Jessie jerked awake, frozen due to shock when she heard rather loud and abrupt knocks coming from the other side of her door. Once the ravenhead girl had calmed down her racing heartbeat, she let out a sigh and buried her face in her pillow.

'Dream, or should I say memory...' she thought to herself, closing her crystal-blue eyes under the pillow. A flash of a more recent memory--specifically, last night-- came into view in her mind. 'It couldn't be, it can't be.' A soft whimper escaped her lips, its sound being muffled by the pillow as the girl pushed the pillow closer to her face. 'Perhaps, perhaps it's just a coincidence! Sting's a common name, right..? Oh, who am I kidding..' Spiky blond hair, sapphire-blue eyes, cocky-ish attitude, she knew them all too well, and even she knew the chances of two people having all these features were slim to none. 'What do I do..?'

"Whoop, that was a bit loud.." As Jessie tried to collect her frantic thoughts, she could faintly hear a muffled feminine voice say with regret from what probably was the other side of the door while her head was buried in her small slightly-hard hospital pillow. Realizing now that she couldn't just lay in bed forever, she lifted her head and took in a deep breath to calm herself down further. She then looked down at herself and the many layers of clothing she was wearing. She had taken off just one layer in her panic last night (or should she say a couple hours ago? It didn't matter). She eyed her suitcase, anxiety slowly seeping into her mind.

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