Chapter 11

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Erza..Is doing better? Ohoho?! YOU'LL HATE ME NOW MUWAHAHAHAHAHA. Also. Enjoy the doubling posting. Helpless-chan had 11 ready before I started on 10! (I'm so slow! DX)

~Third Person~

¤Day 7¤

'Erza. Erza. Erza. Erza. Erza. Erza. Erza. Erza. Erza.' Jellal's mind couldn't think of anything else. Jellal could feel his heart pounding against his arms, he barely noticed the Black Wizard screaming at him.

"SMARTEN UP JELLAL." The man yelled. The bluenette could only look at the illusion with pleading eyes, taking him by surpise as he could see the eyes easily said 'Not today'. "This girl is ruining your freedom!" Zeref growled.

Hot tears rolled down Jellal's face as he laughed. "Do you think I give a crap anymore? I need to make sure I didn't harm her..I can't live, if she's not..." Jellal could only break out into tears as he looked at the ceiling.

He needs to make sure she's okay...He didn't even know why, but the thought of Erza insane like him, only made his heart break. He could only cry more as his mind wandered back to the redhead.

Meanwhile downstairs, Rogue's eyes opened to the knocking on his door. Pulling off the covers he walked towards the door. Although Rogue was his normal self he knew Future Rogue knew something was going to happen today. Whether it was good or bad, the raven-haired man didn't know as he opened the door knob, being met by a Nurse. A white haired one at that; none other than Mira.

"Hello Rogue! I brought your medication.." The white haired Nurse gave him a smile.

'She can smile in such hard times?' The crimson eyed man looked at her shocked. Slowly he took the small cup of medication and water, gulping it down with a cough. "U-Uh! Are you alright?" Mirajane panicked as Rogue gave a smile.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it." He waved off, giving back the little cups to Mirajane. She smiled one last time and walked off.

Rogue gave out a yawn, as he stretched out his arms. Another day... Seeing as it was a Saturday, Rogue had no motivation to get dressed. Instead he simply closed his door, which he got to paint for once. Finally.. It was simply a shadow with a creepy smile, how he saw his other self...A creepy shadow that lives in his mind. Surely no one but Sting even noticed Rogue was here; all the raven haired boy does was stay in the back and sleep. He walked down the hallways and towards the cafeteria.

It'd surely be crowded. He heard about the blonde chic patient with schizophrenia was on the roof, and she nearly jumped off of it. 'C'mon Rogue! It would of been hilarious if she jumped off!' His mind laughed. 'Shut up! She's just an innocent girl with a problem..' 'Watching her do a back flip would of been enjoyable..' 'You're a monster.' 'You created me.' His head laughed as it put the poor innocent boy into the back of his mind. He was now safely chained under, but the violent personality knew he didn't have long. And while he was out he wanted to have 'fun.'

He walked towards the cafeteria only to find it empty. No one was in here but a little bluenette with her nose scrunched up, and a big guy sticking a fork near her mouth, no fun there. Walking over to the food, Rogue looked down at what there was to eat. Nothing really, but he needed something or else Rogue's other personality would easily take over. Grabbing a tray and putting a sandwich, salad, and apple, he walked to a table and sat alone, like he normally did.

With that Natsu, Lucy and Erza walked in, the three talked and laughed happily. 'Including' Erza. "Hey! Why is Gray sitting alone?!" Natsu looked over to Rogue who was eating quietly, but he looked pretty miserable.

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