Chapter 7

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This is the third day, the day when Sting and Rogue come in! :D

Enjoy minna!


~No one's P.O.V.~

Sting jolted up awake from his sleep. He wiped off the sweat that was forming on his forehead. 'It was nothing but a dream, a nightmare,' he told himself. 'That girl never existed, it was just the schizophrenia.' Ever since that day 7 years ago, he had been told that he had a rare case of schizophrenia, where he could hallucinate girls or women only. He had persistently asked his father if she was real or not, but Weisslogia had always changed the topic whenever he did. When he finally had enough, he told himself that that girl had been his first hallucination, and decided to embrace the schizophrenia. That didn't stop the nightmares however. He slowly sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes just as the door opened. A young nurse with short dark purple hair and green eyes smiled warmly at Sting.

"Hello, I'm Nurse Kinana," she greeted. Sting smirked.

"Why hello there," Sting said in a seductive tone. Flirting with women was his way of escaping the fact that he had schizophrenia, and he honestly didn't give a damn if people thought he was weird. Kinana sweatdropped, but kept her smile. She had been warned that her new patient was going to be very flirtatious, but she was one of the most tolerant out of all of the nurses. Kinana smiled brightly.

"Can you tell me your name?" she asked nicely.

"Sting Eucliffe, but you can just call me Babe, " Sting wagged his eyebrows.

"Um, I'll just call you Sting," Kinana smiled nervously. She walked up to Sting and handed him a piece of paper.

"Wow, your phone number already?" Sting smirked cockily. He didn't take the paper though; he was thinking that Kinana was another one of his hallucinations.

"Um, no, it's your schedule," Kinana sweatdropped. "And I think you should take it out of my hand.." Sting blinked a couple times before he realized that she was serious and that she was actually real.

"O-oh," he said plainly, losing his cockiness. He took the schedule from her hands. "Thanks." Kinana smiled.

"No worries!" Kinana grinned. "Here, these are your pills that will help you with your schizophrenia." Kinana handed Sting a cup of pills, and Sting looked at it weirdly in his hands. "It's lunch time right about now, so when you're ready feel free to head to the cafeteria!" Kinana waves and leaves the room. When the door closed, Sting looked back at the pills in his hands. He always had a problem of differentiating who was real and who wasn't.

"Are you going to take them Sting-sama?" Sting flinched a bit, but smirked.

"Nah, I ain't giving up on you." He looked up to see a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Yay, Sting-sama's going to keep seeing us!" Another girl, this time with hazel eyes and sand hair appeared out of nowhere.

"Please Sting-sama, won't you sign my paper??" A girl with black hair and brown eyes showed a piece of notebook paper to Sting.

"Please please, one at a time ladies," Sting laughed.

"No, sign my cheek first!" the blonde shoved the black haired girl out of the way.

"No, if anyone's going to get a signature from Sting-sama it's me!" the brunette huffed. They started arguing, and the voices started to collide in Sting's head. It gave him a headache and he had to put one hand on his head.

"L-ladies, no need to fight.." he tried to sound confident and cocky, but the pain and the voices were starting to get to him. The "girls" didn't listen to him and instead their voices got louder and echoed throughout his head.

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