Chapter 4

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¤The Next Day¤

~No one's P.O.V.~

Two people walk into the Fairy Tail Institute. They both had spiky blond hair and dark blue eyes. The older one was wearing more formal clothes than the younger one though. He was wearing a white suit and beige dress pants while the teenage boy was wearing blue gloves, a vest with fur at the edge, and a cream colored top. He was also wearing black and yellow pants. "Hello!" Laki said with her bright smile. "Welcome to the Fairy Tail Institute!"

"Ladies ladies please," the boy chuckled waving his hands. "No need to fight for me." Laki tilted her head in confusion, but the man just sighed and pushed his son forward.

"Hi, Weisslogia Eucliffe here to admit Sting Eucliffe," the man said. Sting looked around.

"Hey, this doesn't look like a night club," Sting said looking around. When his eyes met with Laki, he smirked and put an arm on the desk. "But you sure look like you're from one," he smirked, lifting his eyebrows. Laki had the urge to slap him right on the cheek, but she held back and forced a smile.

"Thank you for the, uh, compliment," Laki thanked, a bit hesitant. "Nurse Mirajane will escort you to your room." Just then, the busty white-haired nurse came out. Sting's jaw slightly dropped, but he quickly recovered.

"Well hello nurse," he smirked. "Aren't you hot?" The nurse cringed, but gasped in shock when she saw blood trickle down his nose. Sting noticed this and touched his upper lip to see blood. When he saw the red liquid on the tips of his fingers, he suddenly felt lightheaded. His dark blue eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed.

"Shit," Weisslogia cursed, going up to his son.

"Is he okay?" Laki quickly asked. He nodded.

"Yeah, he's just been like this for the past couple of days," he explained, his brows furrowed with worry.

"When did this start?" Nurse Mirajane frowned.

"About a week ago," he answered. "That's why I brought him here."

"But this is a mental hospital, not an actual one," Laki spoke up.

"I know that, but I was just thinking that this was caused by his schizophrenia," he responded. The receptionist and nurse looked at each other in worry, but nodded.

"Here, I'll take him to a room in the fourteen to eighteen year old division, which is upstairs," Mirajane offered. Weisslogia nodded and picked up his son in his arms. The nurse took his suitcase for him and led them upstairs. Erza and Lucy were talking, but stopped when they saw the nurse and a blond men behind her. Erza quickly retreated to her room, her illness getting the better of her. Lucy did the same, except that she peaked out to see what they were doing. Her eyes widened when she saw an unconscious teenage boy being carried into a room whose door was blank, signalling that it was vacant. The room was across and a couple doors down Lucy's. When they went in, Weisslogia gently and carefully placed his son on the bed. After putting the suitcase on the nightstand, Nurse Mirajane took a tissue from her skirt's pocket and wiped the dried blood.

"Will he be okay here?" Weisslogia asked. Nurse Mirajane threw the stained napkin into the trashbin near the nightstand and nodded.

"He'll be fine here, don't worry," she assured. Weisslogia nodded and gently ruffled his son's hair.

"Take your pills and don't be too perverted okay?" he murmured softly to his son, faintly hoping he could her him.

"We should let him rest," Nurse Mirajane advised. He nodded and they both left the room, leaving Sting to his dreams, but they weren't the perverted normal kind he had. The same scene from his past played in his mind over and over again, haunting him. He tossed and turned in the bed he was on, sweat forming on his forehead.

"" he muttered in his sleep. "She's not real. She can't be real. I didn't do that to her.."


The purple-haired receptionist looked up from her magazine to see yet another man and his son walk into the building. The older man had black hair and almost pure black eyes with an expressionless face. Another black haired teenage boy was in front of him, his red eyes darting left and right. "Welcome to the Fairy tail Institute!" Laki said the usual greeting with a warm smile. "Your name?"

"Skiadrum Cheney here to admit Rogue Cheney," the man answered calmly. Laki looked down the list and stopped at the name "Cheney".

"Yes, here for multiple personality disorder?" Laki asked. Skiadrum nodded. "Okay then, Nurse Mirajane will escort him to his room." Right at the mention of her name, the same nurse came up the hall.

"Hello, please follow--" Skiadrum stopped her sentence by walking up to her and handing her the suitcase he had been holding.

"D-don't you want to see where your son is going to live?" Nurse Mirajane frowned, holding the rather light suitcase.

"I know he will be in good hands," Skiadrum replied emotionlessly. He walked away and left the mental hospital. Both Mirajane and Laki frowned at his actions, but jumped when they heard a chuckle coming from the boy. It wasn't a normal chuckle though, it was more dark.

"That old man never cared about us anyways," a low voice emitted from Rogue's mouth. His red eyes were now as small as peas, making him look more deranged.

"R-Rogue?" the nurse tried speaking to him, but it was hard not to sound scared. His voice..dripped with evil somehow. Rogue blinked a couple times when hearing his name, and his eyes returned to their normal size.

"S-sorry.." he muttered, holding his pounding head. "He, er, that side of me is the dark side....he comes out and does horrible things sometimes.." He looks down, his black messy hair covering his eyes. The nurse smiled at him and put a hand on his shoulder, making him slightly flinch.

"Don't worry about," she smiled. "We'll be here for you." A tiny smile creeped onto Rogue's lips. He knew that the people here were nice already.

"Thanks," he said. Nurse Mirajane nodded.

"Now, follow me to your room." He nodded and followed the busty nurse up the stairs and down the hallway of decorated doors. Next to one she had visited earlier was yet another vacant one. She opened the door for him and set the suitcase on the wooden nightstand. Rogue examined the room and thought it was pretty normal for a mental patient.

"Is this suitable for you?" she smiled at him. He nodded in response.

"This is good," he said plainly.

"Good. We'll get you your pills later, so for now just get some rest okay?" The teenage boy nodded, and she left him alone to settle in. Rogue let out a sigh of exhaustion and fell onto the surprisingly comfy bed.

"Don't be like that. You can't stop the darkness from taking over," a deep voice said in his mind.

"Shut up," Rogue hissed. "I'll learn to control you."

"You can't control the dark side to you Rogue," the voice cackled maniacally in his mind, making Rogue hold his hands over his ears in pain.

"Just shut the hell up!" he seethed. When the laughter died down, he buried his head into his pillow. 'I need those pills, and soon..' Rogue thought to himself before drifting off to sleep, although it was only morning.

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