Chapter 10

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Written by me~



¤Day 6¤

~No one's P.O.V.~

Levy sighs and stretches her muscles as dawn broke out. Well, Levy couldn't actually tell that it was morning since there were no windows to indicate that the sun had just peaked into the horizon or that the sky was a bright shade of blue. Nonetheless, Levy's body knew that it was morning. Her stomach started to growl while her mind screamed at her to ignore the pain coming from her stomach. Levy let out a tiny whimper, remembering that she had decided to skip all three meals yesterday. It had been hard convincing her friends that she had eaten early, but since she hadn't been forced to eat or told that her stomach would eat her from the inside out, she decided that she had successfully fooled her. "Oww..." Levy cringed, holding her stomach. 'This is what I get for actually eating; my greedy stomach is forcing me to get more food so that it can grow fat,' Levy bitterly thought in her head. 'Well not today stomach.' Trying to ignore the pain, Levy sat up on her bed. That was when a familiar white-headed nurse opened the door and walked in.

"Good morning Levy!" Nurse Mira smiled warmly. "I've brought your pills for you!"

'Not again!' Levy whined in her head. Yesterday and the day before, she had been forced to eat her pills instead of flushing them like she used to. It had fooled her that food wouldn't make her bloated, but later, near the end of the day, reality came back. Yesterday, she had managed to fool that purple-haired nurse, but Nurse Mira would be a different story. "Morning," Levy forced a smile. She personally liked her, but she did not want to be fooled again.

"You know, yesterday I received a tip saying that you had faked taking your pills and skipped your meals," Mira's smile turned a little dark. Levy's eyes widened. Who ratted her out? No, more importantly, how did he/she found out???

"R-really?" Levy feigned a gasp, deciding to play dumb. Mira forced a laugh and held out the pills in front of the bluenette.

"How 'bout we skip the act okay?" Mira said sweetly. Levy sighed and nodded. It was not like she had much of a choice anymore. She took the pills from her hand and, pausing once to see if the nurse was still looking, let the two white pills travel down her throat. She slightly cringed as felt them hit her empty stomach. Nurse Mira smiled and took back the cup.

"Thank you for cooperation today Ms. McGarden," she gave her another smile and nod before leaving her room. Once Levy heard her door fully close with a tiny 'click', she sighed and racked her brain for suspects.

'Who could have told on me?' she asked herself. Definitely not Lucy, since the..incident had happened yesterday and she had spent the rest of the day with Natsu. Erza and Gray could have done it and they did ask her why she didn't take anything for dinner when they were sitting together, but she was absolutely sure she had fooled them when she said she had eaten earlier. 'Then...who could it have been...?'


In another room for 13-18 year-olds was a raven-haired boy. He groaned in annoyance as he was woken up by a knock to his door. "GO AWAY," he said loudly before burying his face into his tough pillow.

"OPEN UP BEFORE I HAVE TO KICK IT OPEN," a feminine but equally loud voice said behind the door.

"LIKE HELL I'M DOING THAT," Gajeel spat back and tried putting his pillow over his ears instead. Yet, he still heard a sigh right before he heard the loud sound of his door being forcefully opened.

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