i. The Return Of Oliver Queen & Isobel Reed

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As I wrote in the original part, a little less than two years ago me and @DonnieSipple worked on this idea together.

Hope you guys enjoy the revised story of Isobel Reed


The sound of the ship going against the wave of the water consumed their ears. This was their chance. They took off quickly, situating their equipment on a hill overlooking the majority of Lian Yu. From there, they spotted a tugboat moving away from the island. They knew they didn't have much time. He lit an arrow and handed it off to her. She closed her eyes, relaxing the arrow on the bow. 3, 2, 1. Her eyes opened the second the arrow had left her hands. The explosion landed them on their backs. As they sat up, they heard voices from the ship, scurried yells to turn the ship around. For the first time in what felt like forever, they could breathe. Oliver Queen and Isobel Reed were going home.


The men on the ship were welcoming to them both. They replaced their dingy clothes with warm sweaters and blankets and they served them hot food and coffee. Oliver and Isobel stared off into the distance as the island that had been their home became smaller and smaller until it finally disappeared from their view.

"Phone." One of the men from the boat cautiously extended out his arm, giving the device to Oliver. "You call home." He explained in broken English before walking away. Fingers quivering, Oliver dialed the number to the Queen Mansion.

"Hello?" His breath hitched as he heard his mother's voice on the other end of the phone. "Hello?" He became still. What could he have said to the woman who raised him? Nothing about this was normal. This wasn't a son checking on his mother after moving out of the house. He'd been presumed dead for the past five years. "Is anybody there?"

Isobel grabbed the phone out of her friend's hand. "Moira?" Her voice was raspy, almost unrecognizable. It was the first time she'd spoken in weeks.

"Yes, who is this?"

"It-It's Izzie. M-me and Oliver, we're alive."

"My son has been dead for five years. Don't call this number again."

"Wait, please." Isobel begged. "Please believe me. We're coming home Moira."

"Put my son on the phone." She demanded.

Isobel passed the phone to Oliver. "Mom?"

"Oh my-" Isobel could hear Moira breaking down on the other end of the phone. "O-Oliver it's really you! It's Oliver and Izzie! They're alive!"


18 hours of tiring travel later, Oliver Queen and Isobel Reed had returned to Starling City. They hadn't said anything since the phone call with Moira Queen, Oliver's beloved mother.

"This city needs to change." Oliver stated calmly, pulling a small red notebook out from the waistband of his pants. "Remember what we vowed we'd do if we ever got back home?"

Isobel shook her head, immediately knowing what he meant. "Oliver, we can't."

"We have the book, we just need to cross out the names. For my dad." He practically pleaded. One thing was certain- he knew he couldn't complete the mission without Isobel by his side.

Isobel scanned the city out of the hospital room window that they were in. "You know I'd do anything for Robert."

"Does that mean your in?"

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