v. Survive

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It took every ounce of self control for Isobel not to go back to Leslie before leaving to deal with Adam Hunt. But, she'd realized, if she made an excuse as to why she couldn't be with her, it would only make her seem guilty. It was much easier just to slip out, just as Oliver had.

"Something I can help you two with?" Diggle questioned just as Isobel's hand had rested on the kitchen entrance.

"We just want a minute to ourselves." Isobel tried to excuse them, putting on a coy smile.

He smiled back, clear sarcasm consuming his face. "I would believe you, Miss Reed, if you weren't so full of crap. Party's this way."

Oliver walked in front of Isobel and Diggle, pretending to attempt to open the door. "It's locked." Diggle reached for the door handle, giving enough time for Oliver to put him in a headlock and Isobel to knock him out with one punch straight to his face.


"Detective." Oliver called out as he and Isobel descended the staircase back to the party after dealing with Adam Hunt. "It's a private party."

"Yeah, well there was an incident at Adam Hunt's building tonight. Do you know anything about that?"

"Who's Adam Hunt?" Isobel squinted, wrapping her arm around Leslie's waist.

"I was talking to Mr. Queen." He responded coldly, keeping his eyes fixated on Oliver.

"Who's Adam Hunt?" He repeated the question, trying not to smirk as he got the detective more and more agitated.

"He's a millionaire, a bottom feeder. I'm kind of surprised you aren't friends."

Oliver let out a dry laugh. "I've been out of town for a while."

"Yeah, well, he just got attacked by the guy and girl in the hoods. The two that saved your ass the other day."

"Oh, the hood people. Did you find them?" Trying to keep his composure, Quentin bit his bottom lip harshly. "I'm going to offer a reward." He turned to the crowd. "Hey, everybody! Two million dollars to anybody that can find two nut bars in green and black hoods!"

"Add two mil from me." Isobel told him.

"Four million!" He called out into the crowd. "Four million dollars."

The drunk crowd clinked their drinks together and cheered.

"Did you even try to save my daughter?" Quentin asked, now bleeding profusely from his bottom lip.

"Okay, let's go, partner." Detective Stephenson instructed, trying his best to hold his partner back.

"Quentin, hey, it's not worth it." Isobel tried to convince him, joining the efforts to hold him back. "It's not what Sara would want."

"Partner. Let's go." Stephenson finally made progress, dragging Quentin backwards with him. "It's alright, let's go."

As the door closed behind them, Oliver was already climbing back on the stage. "It's way too quiet in here. This is a party!" Everybody cheered loudly as the music started to play.

"Some coincidence." Tommy brought up as Oliver jumped off the stage. "You two asked to have the party here and Hunt getting robbed right next door by the same people who rescued us at the warehouse."

"Yeah, some coincidence." Isobel agreed, slithering her arm around Leslie's waist once more.

Leslie leaned in so that she was whispering in her ear. "Let's get some fresh air, yeah?"

"Yeah, okay. We'll be right back." Isobel excused herself, taking her girlfriend's hand and leading her outside.


"Where were you and Oliver?" Leslie asked as the two strolled slowly to their own tempo outside the raging party.

"Well, I went to deal with Thea, then I went to the bathroom, and then I saw Oliver. We were only talking for a minute or two before Quentin walked in."

"M'kay." Leslie nodded, looking off into the distance as they continued to walk.

"Les, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing." She tried to convince herself. "It's just...you and Oliver seem awfully close since you came back, like closer than before. I won't be mad if something happened between you on the island, but I'd like to know. Especially if there's still something still happening between you two."

"Oh, no, no, god no." Isobel shuddered at the thought. "Hey, come here." She stopped, turning around to face her girlfriend and caressing her cheek. "You have nothing to worry about. Oliver's my best friend. It's hard not to get closer to someone you're stuck with for 5 years." Leslie nodded, looking elsewhere. "Hey." Isobel refocused her attention. "My heart belongs to you. I swear."

"Then can we go home, please." Leslie begged like a little child. "These heels are killing me."

Isobel couldn't stop herself from laughing. "Of course we can. As long as I'm with you I'm happy."

"Oh, I should've known." Leslie laughed. "You're trying to get back into my pants."

"Uh uh." She denied. "That is just a plus of being so in love with you."

"Jesus, I'm trying to crack jokes and shit and here's you getting all sentimental and everything."



No one had slept. It was hard with the storm raging and the initial shock of being a part of a boat crash and the fact that they were the only survivors. The crew worker sat far away from everybody else, barely conscious, letting a knife dance in his hands.

"There's not enough for all of us." Robert finally realized, letting his children's malnourished and tired bodies rest against him on either side. "Save your strength, you two. You can survive this together. Make it home, make it better. Right my wrongs. But you have to live through this first. You hear me, Izzie, Ollie."

"Just rest, Robert." Isobel muttered, closing her eyes.

"Make it home to Leslie." Robert muttered to her, kissing her forehead before removing his arm from her back. Isobel didn't open her eyes until a gunshot was heard.

"Robert?" She yelled, shuffling away from him frantically.

He pointed the barrel of the gun just above his ear. "Survive."

"Dad!" Oliver screamed helplessly, just as his body went limp on the side of the boat.

It felt like hours, having Robert's dead body sitting beside them, but neither Isobel nor Oliver had the courage to push Robert's body into the ocean. Finally, an island appeared in the distance. Isobel and Oliver paddled over, praying that there was someone there that could help them get back home. Little did they know, they were headed straight towards purgatory... literally

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