vi. Legal Resurrection

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The next morning, Isobel awoke to the sound of her ringtone blaring once more, not that it surprised her. She had disappeared last night to be with Leslie without telling a soul. Now wide awake, Isobel rolled over, attempting to wrap her arm around her girlfriend. Instead, her arm hit the bed with a small 'plump.' Slowly, she got to her phone, hitting the answer button without actually checking who was calling her.

"Dude, where have you been?"

"Um, Leslie's. I think." Isobel muttered, placing her hand on her pounding head.

"Shit, did you just wake up?"

"Yeah, why, what time is it?"

"11. Don't worry you still have time. But, uh, you should probably check your phone." Tommy recommended cautiously.

"Shit, not again." Isobel muttered, hanging up the phone. Tommy's voice was a code to Isobel, and with the way he was speaking, it was easy for her to crack. She went straight to her search bar and typed in her name. Only then did Isobel look down and realize she wasn't wearing any clothes. So, as she continued to read, she threw on whatever clothes she could find around the room.


Last night, Isobel Reed and Leslie Cohen were seen taking a private stroll right outside the Starling Globe where Reed's 'Welcome Home Bash' thrown by Thomas Merlyn was taking place.

The two seemed to be engaged in a deep conversation, pausing to stop and talk to each other before rejoining the party scene.

The previously engaged couple has been out of the public eye for five years, as Isobel Reed was lost at sea with Oliver Queen, her adopted brother.

Cohen and Reed have always been open about their engagement, wearing their rings proudly on their finger or on a necklace when they go out in public, but new images surfacing show neither of them wearing their rings. What does this mean for the young Starling couple?


Isobel Reed and Leslie Cohen announce engagement!

Isobel Reed and Leslie Cohen-Trouble in paradise?

Isobel Reed and Oliver Queen return after five years presumed dead


"You look exhausted." Laurel commented once Leslie had finally picked up her facetime call. (it hadn't taken her long at all, simply two rings so she could get out of the room and let Isobel sleep) "That's a good sign."

"Yeah, well, several hours of, uh, not sleeping can do that to you." She bragged, her cheeks flushing red just thinking about Isobel.

"So Les and Iz are officially back?" Isobel stood just left of the doorway, out of frame so that Laurel couldn't see her and far enough away that Leslie wouldn't notice her presence.

"Yeah." She grinned from ear to ear. "Although every single news outlet seems to think we broke up because we weren't wearing our engagement rings."

"Ugh." Laurel rolled her eyes. "Ignore them. They just like to destroy people's happiness. You're happy right?"

Leslie glanced back, just to assure that Isobel wasn't in the room. "I really am. I mean, I don't wanna get ahead of myself, but, I mean, god, this is all just so perfect. I love Iz, I love her so much."

"God, you're blushing." Laurel chuckled, smiling at her best friend's happiness.

"Iz just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's disgusting for everybody else, I know, I've been on the receiving end of it with you and Tommy."

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