iii. Five Years Apart

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i had this written saturday and i realized i never actually posted it...


hope you enjoy!!



"Tell me again why you have to go on this trip." Leslie whined as Isobel carelessly threw clothes into her bag.

"Because Robert has been so helpful with the wedding planning and he hasn't asked for anything. All he wants is for me to come on this trip with him. He wants me to go-"

Leslie cut her off. "So he can teach you how to put your business degree to use blah blah blah." Isobel laughed at her fiance's childish behavior. "We all know you and Robert are gonna do nothing but lay back and put your feet up the entire week. Would you rather spend a week doing nothing with Oliver and Robert or a week in bed? With me. Naked."

"Babe, come on." Isobel sighed defeatedly. "I don't like leaving you either, you know. I have to do this for Robert, though."

Leslie rolled her eyes, finally giving in. "Hey!" She yelped, grabbing her t-shirt out of Isobel's messy suitcase. "This is my favorite t-shirt."

"Come on, don't you want me to have something to remember you by?"

"You have a phone. Where you can call me. And see my face anytime you want to." Isobel didn't respond, instead giving her silent puppy eyes she knew Leslie couldn't resist. "Fine, you can have it."

"Yay!" Isobel grinned, taking the shirt back and placing it on top of the messy pile.

Leslie bit her lip staring at the messiness. "Okay, move. You really need to learn how to pack." She told her fiance as she dumped out every article of clothing.

"See, but then what would I need you for?" Leslie tsked, cleaning up her own mess. Isobel watched lovingly as Leslie meticulously folded everything so that there was plenty of room leftover. "Two more months until you're Mrs. Leslie Cohen Reed."

"I can't wait." Leslie grabbed Isobel's cheeks, giving her a small, sweet kiss on the lips. "Now go before the boat leaves you behind."

"Love you."

"Love you more." Leslie responded just before their apartment door shut.


"I didn't know whether or not you wanted me to call you." Leslie admitted, walking side by side with Isobel, circling the block CNRI was on.

"Honestly, same." Isobel concurred. "I, uh, I think my mind just automatically assumed you moved on."

"No." Leslie immediately blurted out, looking at Isobel. "I mean, after two years, I tried to, but I just couldn't. We were two months away from getting married, Iz, you were it for me. I couldn't move on." Leslie went back to staring off into the distance just as Isobel was. "I always dreamed this day would come. I mean, I prayed it would come. I-I-I'm sorry, I can't focus. There's something wrong with you, Iz. You can't hide it from me. I can tell, I can always tell."

"I declined your call." Isobel let slip without context.

"What? Is that what all this is about?"

"You called me 20 seconds before the Gambit went down. If-if I had just answered your damn call, they would've known sooner that we were missing and maybe they would've gotten to us before Oliver and I got to the island and maybe we wouldn't've had to spend five years apart. We would've been married by now."

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