ii. The Storm After The Storm

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"The storm's really picking up out there." Isobel observed, looking anxiously out a window of the ship. A ring caught her attention and Isobel found herself looking at her phone.


Carelessly, Isobel declined the call, thinking she'd call Leslie back in just a few minutes.

"Don't worry, Iz. We'll be fine." Robert assured her, placing a comforting hand on her back. The comfort didn't last long. In one swift motion, the Queen's Gambit was underwater, leaving each of its passengers struggling to survive. Isobel fought for a while before a hand brought her up to the surface. It was Robert. "Isobel, hold on!" He attempted to yell over the howling winds. He held on tight to her, not letting go until they had made their way to a lifeboat. He made sure Isobel went first, assisting her as she climbed on to the small raft, before climbing on himself. Just as they had gotten on, they saw Oliver.

"Sara!" He screamed, thrashing in the harsh water.

"Oliver!" Robert screamed, reaching over the edge of the lifeboat to lift his son up.

"Dad, she's out there." Oliver insisted, trying to escape his father's tight grasp.

"Oliver, she's gone. Sara's gone."


Thea tried her best not to bother Isobel. She'd been through enough already, Thea recognized. But, the walls between their rooms were thin, so when a loud and concerning sound of glass breaking came from Isobel's room, Thea didn't hesitate to sprint over. "Shit." She muttered, rushing over to Isobel's seemingly lifeless body. "Iz, Iz, wake up." Isobel didn't wake up, flipping Thea over and putting an immense amount of pressure on her neck before realizing what was going on. Thea tugged at her hands, silently pleading that Isobel would let her go before she choked her to death. Isobel paused, having just gotten back to reality. She looked around, her eyes finally landing on Thea who was still squirming underneath her. Isobel quickly let go, scurrying away and, most importantly, finally letting Thea breathe.

Thea coughed at the sudden rush of air, trying to take it all in. "What the-" She interrupted herself with another wheezy cough. "What the hell happened to you out there?"


"Thea, I can go to one of the guest rooms. I'm fine." Isobel repeated for the tenth time as Thea fussed over her, taking pillows from her own bed and a blanket from the ottoman of her couch.

"Don't worry about it. We can have a sleepover. Just like the good old days." Thea insisted, laying a sheet out on her couch.

"Yeah, old times where you were 6 and I was 17." Isobel countered.

"Come on, it'll be fun." Thea whined, giving Isobel the same puppy dog eyes she would give her back in the day.

"Ugh, fine." Isobel reluctantly gave in, rolling her eyes as she helped Thea put the second sheet down.

"Hey, I'm sorry about dinner by the way. That was really insensitive of me to ask you."

"No, uh, it's okay. We've been gone for five years, you know. It's okay to have questions." Isobel explained sympathetically as the two sat down on the neatly made couch.

"Then can I ask you one more?" Thea softly asked.

"Go for it."

"Why haven't you talked to Leslie?"

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