viii. Apologies

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very very very short filler chapter. sorry i haven't updated i've been unexpectedly busy lately



"Hey, Laurel!" The attorney waved Isobel through the police tape. "Where is she?"

"T-they just took her to the hospital." Laurel quivered, trying to forget what she'd just witnessed. "Where's Diggle?"

"Daddy." Laurel's voice broke as her father came speeding in, holding her tightly. "Those cops you put on me and Les-"

"I went outside to ask for a light and they were both dead in the squad car." John appeared, explaining to everyone.

"Mr. Diggle, thank you." Quentin sternly shook his hand. "Feel free to run as many lights in the city as you want."

"I was just doing my job, sir."

"Speaking of doing your job, I need to get to the hospital right now."

"Right this way." John pushed his way through the rough crowd, making a way for Isobel to get through.

"Do you know how bad it is?" Isobel nervously questioned, biting her fingernails as John wove in and out of traffic on the road.

"Last I heard they were taking her into surgery."


"Jesus, Les." Isobel muttered, rushing to cling to her girlfriend's body.

"Ow! Ow!" Isobel retreated as her loopy girlfriend began to giggle. "Got you."

"You are such a dick." Isobel rolled her eyes as she took a seat at Leslie's bedside.

"Yeah, but I'm your dick."

"I'm a little too gay for that." Isobel joked, underestimating the effect the meds were having on Leslie, who began to giggle uncontrollably.

"That was funny."

"Hey, Les?" Leslie's laughter quelled as she heard Isobel's much more serious tone.


"I love you. And I'm sorry."

"I love you more. And I'm sorry too."

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