Chapter 5

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Copyright ® 2015 Roman_Reigns_Is_Life

2 weeks later

Bella's POV

It was the day before WrestleMania and Jessi and I were hurrying so we could make it on time for our flight to California. "Jessi. Come ON!! If you're not out here in the next 5 minutes I will leave you here while I go to California and watch WrestleMania!!!" I yelled to her.
"Wait. Let me grab my suitcases!"
I went outside and opened the trunk of my moms's car. My mom was driving us to the airport so we were using her car. I got in the car and waited for Jessi.

When we got to the airport Jessi and I got our bags out of the trunk and I said goodbye to my mom. After I had said goodbye to my mom Jessi and I went into the airport and went through all the security measures. They called our flight and we boarded the plane. The plane ride was long but I spent the whole time listening to music, staring at pictures if Roman and practicing what I would say to Roman when I met him.

When we finally got to California we got off the plane, got our stuff, and got a cab. The guy took is to the hotel nearest to the stadium. I paid the cab driver and we got our stuff from the trunk of the cab. We checked into the hotel and went up to our rooms. As soon as I unpacked I ordered some food from room service. I was starving since I had not eaten since 2 and it was now 7. Jessi came in my room and we ate together.
"Jessi, thank you so much for coming with me." I told her.
"Bella, I came with you because I wanted to. That and I wanted to see something besides Florida for once" she answered.
"You know I'm actually really nervous about meeting Roman. What if I say something stupid or what if he doesn't want to take a picture with me?"
"Bella don't worry he will be begging you for a picture and if you say something stupid you can just laugh it off." she advised.
"Yeah but what if he thinks I'm stupid or something."
"Then why were you practicing on the plane?" she questioned.
"Oh. You weren't supposed to hear that."
"We'll I did. And don't worry, you'll be fine."
"Ok. Yeah. You're right. I'll be ok. I'm just kind of worried about his match with Brock. I know he's going to win but I don't want him to get seriously hurt by the 'Beast Incarnate'. And I think Seth might cash in at WrestleMania."
"Don't be. Roman can handle Seth and Brock. He is going to win."

After Jessi had left I took a shower and went to sleep.

The next morning when I woke up I was a bit confused but I then remembered I was in California and that later tonight Roman was going to fight Brock. I went and took a shower. I changed into a t-shirt that said I CAN. I WILL. on the front and BELIEVE THAT. on the back. I pulled on some black shorts and let my hair down. I put on my black and gold Nike hi-tops and went to Jessi's room. I knocked on the door and she opened it.
"Bella why are up at 7 in the morning? It's too early'" She asked sleepily.
"Yeah but it's WrestleMania Day!!!!!"
"Ugh. Ok fine. Just let me get ready and we can leave."
"Text me when your ready."
I knew Jessi would take FOREVER getting ready so I went on a walk around the hotel. The hotel we were staying on was pretty close to the Levi's stadium so I was hoping to "bump into" some superstars or divas. After about 15 minutes of walking I gave up and went back to my room. About 20 minutes later I got a text from Jessi saying that she was ready to go. I went next door and knocked. She came out and said we should go sightseeing. We went around taking pictures of everything we saw.
"Do you think we'll bump into Roman before WrestleMania today?" I suddenly asked.
"Maybe. Maybe not. Stop worrying!! We're in California!!!"
Yeah. You're right."
"As always."
We went sightseeing for a couple more hours and then we went to the stadium. When we got there a few people were already waiting to go in. We got in line and waited. When we got in we were awestruck.
"Jessi! You're drooling!" I teased.
We went to where the superstars and Divas were. Jessi wanted to meet Seth Rollins so we got in line to meet him.
"Jessi I don't get why you like Seth, he's creepy."
"Bella I don't get why you like Roman, he's weird looking." she retorted.
I was actually quite nervous about meeting Seth, not because I liked him but because I was afraid he had seen me when Jessi and I went to Monday Night RAW. He didn't even look at me so I was ok.
"Bella will you please take the picture?" She asked as she handed me her phone.
Jessi smiled as Seth put his arm around her and I took the picture. I handed back Jessi's phone. She asked Seth for an autograph and he signed her picture. We went to another line. Roman wasn't here yet, if he was I would've gone straight to him. We went to see Paige as Roman entered the room. Even though we were really close to Paige I got out of line and ran to Roman's table before anyone else could get to it.

Roman's POV
I had barely sat down when I saw her standing in front of me. 'It's her. I thought I would never see her again. What should I do?' I thought.
"Hi Roman!" She said excitedly.
"Hi. What's your name?"
"I'm Bella"
"Nice to meet you Bella."
"You have no idea."
"So. How about a picture?"
"YES! Oh sorry. I'm just excited."
She looked prettier than I remembered. We took the picture and I gave her an autograph. She started to walk away but I called her back.
"Hey. Um Bella?"
She turned around.
"You forgot your phone."
I handed her the phone and pulled her in for a hug. She hugged back as she said " Good luck tonight. Kick Brock's ass!!"
"I will. Believe that!" I realized that we were wearing the same shirt but I didn't make big deal out of it. I was sure that at least a few others would be wearing the same shirt. I looked around but I didn't see anyone else wearing the shirt. I was sure that other people would be wearing it later because there was hardly anyone there.
"Well I have to go. Meeting you was a dream come true." Bella said. I hugged her once more for a while then I had to let her go. As I met other fans I could not forget about Bella. Even though this was only the second time I had seen her I knew I had fallen for her.

Author's Note

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