Chapter 18

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Copyright ® 2015 Roman_Reigns_Is_Life
The next day
Bella's POV
I woke up early so I could to Roman's house by 8. I grabbed my bags and put them in my car. I went back to my house and grabbed a granola bar before heading to his house. I was super nervous but also excited that I would be going to the UK with Roman Reigns, the man of my dreams. I can't believe that 3 years ago I started dreaming about him and now here I am, going on a trip with him. I got to Roman's house and knocked on the door. He opened the door and helped me with my bags. He took them and put them in his jet.
"Do you want to eat something?" He asked.
"Yeah sure.
He brought out 2 plates of food over and we ate. After eating a fantastic meal we got in Roman's jet and we were on way to London.

Hours later
Bella's POV
We had arrived in London. The jet stopped and we got our bags. We checked into a hotel. We got into the elevator up to the third floor.

The room was beautiful. The walls were white with black. The bed was a king size with white sheets and black sheets. There was a couch with a big flatscreen tv.
"Do you like it?" Asked Roman.
"Like it? I LOVE IT! It's beautiful."
"I'm glad you like it."

We left our bags in the room and went out to see the sights of London. We walked around and I marveled at everything in sight like a kid in a candy store.
"You're cute when you're excited" said Roman.
I blushed. We kept walking around until Roman had to go to a live event tonight.
"Do you wanna go with me?" He asked.
"No thanks. I'm tired. Kick ass tonight!"
"I will. Bye Bella I love you!"
"I love you more Roman. Bye."

I walked back to the hotel and fell asleep.

3 hours later
Roman's POV
I went back to the hotel after the live event. I opened the door to our room and saw that Bella was watching tv.

"Hey Bella."
"Oh hey Roman! How was the live event?"
"It was good. I had a match against Seth."
"Did you win?"
"Good. Now come watch the Telly with me." She said in a terrible British accent while laughing.
I got into bed with her and we watched TV for a while. I got up to use the bathroom. When I returned Bella was already asleep. I turned off the tv and went to sleep as well.

The next day Roman's POV
I woke up before Bella so I took a long relaxing shower while she slept. When I got out Bella was already awake.

"Good morning Sleeping Beauty." I teased.
"Hey knight in a tactical vest and cargo pants." She replied.
She got out of the bed and took a shower. When she got out we left the hotel and went out for breakfast. After breakfast we walked back to the hotel and hung out there for a while until I had to leave for RAW.

"Bella do you want to go with me?"
"Yeah sure. Just let me go change."
She went to her suitcase and picked out an outfit.
"Do you care if I change in front of you? I don't feel like waking to the bathroom."
"Not one bit. It's not anything I haven't seen before." I said and her face got really red.
She changed and we went to the arena.
Author's Note
Thanks for reading!!
Sorry I didn't update last week. I will update again later this week so yeah.
Anyway what did you think of this chapter? Rate it on a scale of 1-10
I will try to make the updates longer since you guys like those better.
Oh yeah! I entered this book into the Wattys!!!!
Question of the chapter: what is your favorite chapter in this book so far?
You can follow me on Instagram: roman_directionerr_reigns
Don't forget to vote and questions and comments are always welcome.

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