Chapter 2: Oops and Hi

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Louis Tomlinson had decided to go to The Script's concert with some of his friends on a Friday night. The friends Louis decided to go with were Nathan and his friend Max. They were buzzing with excitement because they had been fans of The Script for a while. Nathan was driving the car because he was the best driver of the 3, Louis sat in the passenger seat, while Max sat in the back.

"Are you ready to perform on this stage in just a few months?" Max asked from the back.

"Yeah if I even make it through." Scoffed Louis. He had auditioned for the X-factor and had made it past most of the behind the scenes auditions. Louis was sure though that he would not make it to the TV screens of millions and that it would be a funny story to tell his kids one day. 

Louis' phone went off, it was text messages from a girl named Hannah. Hannah and Louis had been talking for a while, but he wasn't really feeling like he was that into her, Louis was feeling like he wasn't that into any girl at his school. He felt like every second he didn't have a girlfriend, everyone was staring at him sideways. So, Louis decided to stick it out with Hannah, maybe, eventually, he would fall in love with her.

"Ohhh, Louis, who is that? Your new girlfriend? Or boyfriend I am not judging." Nathan smirked at him, but a bit of curiosity fluttered through his eyes. Just as quickly as Nathan showed it, it flushed away and Louis was sure he was just imagining things.

"Mate, no, that's-that's gross. Who would want to date a guy? It's Hannah." Louis put on a fake smile that didn't reach his eyes, but he kept trying until it finally did.

"So, you really like this girl?" Max asked. They both ignored Nathan's slightly jealous look.

"Yeah, I think I do. I mean I am not really sure what love feels like." Louis turned his whole body to look at Max in the back seat trying to make himself feel the 'friendly' butterflies that he felt around Nathan, but they never came. Maybe they weren't so friendly after all.

"Falling in love makes you have butterflies. You want to be around them every minute of the day and if you did you would never get tired. You could listen to them talk and stare at them all day. Wanting to impress them so badly it hurts. That is love man." Max was the most romantic of the group, he had had a girlfriend, Marie, for all of high school and was planning on marrying her one day. Louis thought about it, and he was right, he was not in love with Hannah, but he could make himself fall in love with her. Louis would have too, he didn't want anyone thinking that he was, you know, gay.

Harry Styles had decided to go to The Script's concert on a Friday night with his band mates to see what a good show really looked like. Hopefully, in just a few months Harry would be performing on this very stage, the X-Factor stage. He had signed up to audition and had made it passed 4 audition periods, so far. Everyone in White Eskimo was very supportive because if he got on it was their hope that it would give them more publicity.

                "Boys, we are here." Julia, Brad's mom, said waking him up. It had been a long distance for them to travel but they had finally made it. "I am going to come pick you up afterwards, then we are going to stay the night in a hotel. We all meet right back here. If that changes, text me. You understand?"

"Yes, mom, you have told us this every hour." Brad looked lovingly annoyed at his mother and she pursed her lips together.

"Ok, have fun boys!"

Harry and the rest of his friends started walking to the entrance. There was a long and agonizing line ahead of them waiting for the concert to start. Out of the corner of Harry's eye he had seen someone familiar. The boy had light brown hair and a great smile. Harry shook it off though because what were the chances of seeing someone he knew here? They were all the way in London it would be near impossible.

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