Chapter 8: X-Factor Auditions, Zayn

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Pre Authors Note: I used to have a long rant here but I erased it.

Zayn fidgeted with the microphone in hands as he waited for his name to be called over the intercom. There had been a lot of great talents that day. One he particularly liked was a boy who was his age, named Niall. Zayn felt happy for him as he walked off the stage with almost all yeses.

It felt like an hour had passed before his name was called but it eventually was. He hugged his family members as they whispered good luck in his ear. Zayn walked out on stage as the whole crowd applauded him, it made his stomach drop to the floor. The lights blinded his vision but he tried his best to keep his eyes as open as possible. "Hello."

"Hi, and what is your name?" Said Cheryl who was sitting closest to Simon.

"My name is Zayn Malik." He mumbled, but he quickly said it again more clearly.

"Ok and what will you be singing for us today?"

"I am going to sing 'Let Me Love You' by Mario." Zayn smiled into the crowd.

"Go ahead sweetie."

Zayn shook his head and drew the microphone closer to his mouth, "Baby, I just don't get it, do you enjoy being hurt? I know you smelled the perfume, the makeup on his shirt. You don't believe his stories." Zayn tried his best to feel the song like his dad always told him to do, but the crowd was clouding his thoughts, "You know they're all lies. Bad as you are, you stick around and I just don't know why." Coming up was the part he loved the most, the part his family would burst out singing while one drives, the part that made him love the song, "You're the type of woman, fist full of diamonds. Baby you're a star, I just want to show you, you are. You should let me love you. Be the one too-" Simon waved his hand signaling Zayn to stop. Doubt filled his heart, he wasn't that bad, was he?

"Zayn, even with the little bit we heard," Louis glared at Simon, "That was incredible. You are one of the really good voices that I have listened to tonight. I think you have a very powerful voice, we just need to get you out of that bubble."

"I only stopped you because I felt like you were nervous up on stage. I could feel you weren't comfortable up there. You really do have a great voice. I think, Zayn, that you just need a little more practice." Zayn shook his head agreeing. Simon was right, he was inexperienced, Zayn had no idea why he was on this show. "I think your voice was phenomenal though and maybe this show can give you the experience you need to be great."

"Anyway, let's vote. I am going to say yes! Katy?" Louis interrupted.

"I am going to say yes as well." Zayn laced his fingers together in a praying position. That was half of the judges.


Cheryl scoffed, "Hey, you skipped over me!"

Louis looked back at her teasingly, "Doesn't matter, Simon?" The whole crowd roared with laughter.

"I am going to say yes." Zayn felt like jumping up and down but he stayed still wanting to hear Cheryl's answer. Everyone's opinion mattered to him.

"I was going to say yes anyway." Cheryl crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. Zayn thanked them and ran off stage to hug everyone and mentally prepare himself for what was to come.

Before walking off of the side of the stage and into the waiting room he saw a boy about his age. He had light brown hair that was swooped to the side and big brown eyes that matched it. Zayn recognized him from the X-Factor two years back, he made it to the Barbados house but then got kicked out. Even though that happened Liam had been Zayn's inspiration to try out for the show. Zayn smiled and sent him a thought of luck before running off with his family.

Author's Note: Sorry this one is short and bad. I tried to fix it as best as I could. Also, I really don't know why I based everyone else's audition off of Niall's because his is the only one that is different. It's fine because the next chapter is our last audition before it starts to get real :)

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