Chapter 31: AHH THE LIGHT

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Louis' POV:

It's time to film another one of these video diaries. Zayn is about to sit next to Harry but I run over and steal the spot, "Sorry Zayn. This is my seat." I smirk at him. Zayn moves behind me and I hope that he doesn't kick me while we are doing this.

I feel so stupid being this fucking in love, but at the same time I never want it to go away. It's the first thing that has ever made me feel so alive. My hand is wrapped around his thigh. The camera can't technically see so it's fine. "Hello we are One Direction and this is our video diary week four." Harry says, We all wave. I am wearing a blind fold so I can't see anything, and Liam forced me so I would stop fonding like that would make me stop. I can still see a little bit out of the scarf so we are good. 

"I think that we can all agree that last week was our best performance." I say and the rest of the boys agree with me. Harry slowly wraps his fingers around mine.

"Here is something I don't think many of you know, but we had to change our song last minute." What he really means is that Simon finally let us choose and then when he found out what it was, he made us switch.

I interject, "Nobody knows!"

Zayn laughs and continues, "As everybody knows, or as nobody knows, we had to change our song last minute. It was kind of stressful." Niall starts making fun of his hand motions, I can feel it on the back of my neck, I also know that when I start doing it Harry is going to give me a death glare but I can't see him so I'll never really know. "But we all agreed on it and we loved it."

Speaking of Harry, I want to touch him so I hold out my hand for a high five. This was something we did often, pressing his hand into mine showing that he loved me too. I turn away hiding from the camera's biggest smile of my life. What has this boy done to me? "It was a little bit different for us to do a slower song, a ballad. Which is what Danny asked for." Simon too mostly but Liam doesn't add that part.

"We are going to get through a few of your questions that you have for us this week." I want to make Harry laugh so badly, his laugh makes me happy, I am going to try my best "This ones from Maryanne. If you didn't audition for the X-factor what would you be doing career wise right now." Niall's laughing but that's not a very big accomplishment. "Harry?"

"Um I think I might," His voice is raspy and oh my god it's the hottest thing I've ever heard, "I would be in college studying and working in a bakery."

"Cool." I say because I need to move on quickly before I completely lose my mind. "Niall?"

"I was going to be going to Uni to be a Sound Engineer." No laughing, wow, amazing, incredible, spectacular.

I smile, "Brilliant. Zayn?"

"Um, I was going to go to Uni to get an English degree and then be a teacher."

I have the perfect idea, "And what about you Liam?" I bend down closer to Harry feeling the heat of his breath on my cheek. I wrap my hand around his neck and a little bit in his hair. Niall is dying laughing but I can't hear anything that Liam says because I can only focus on how close I am to Harry. I have to get closer, I will try again.

Harry's POV:

I lose focus on everything when he is this close to me. My slight smile falls from my face because I am so infatuated with this human. This human who actually loves me. Right now I should just kiss him. I could do it so fast that maybe the world wouldn't catch a glimpse. When his hands are off me, the thrill ends and I focus again. I can't wait until the day where it doesn't matter.

Louis' POV:

"Another question from Elaine," I drew the paper extremely close to my face, still no laugh from Harry. It's weird because when it's just him and I he laughs like crazy. It makes the butterflies in my stomach fly like crazy too." If you couldn't bathe in water what would you bathe in? Liam?"

Harry comes up close to my face and sticks his tongue out in a weird way. He's trying to mess with me right now. I hate him. No, that's a lie. I love him. "Icing sugar." Liam says and I repeat it after him.

"The next question is from Grace. It says," I turn the paper around and around but there is still no laugh from Harry, "Do you think that the media attention and female attention is getting to your head, Harry?" Ugh, the words Harry and female don't belong in the same sentence together.

I reach my head up to Liam and still no laugh from Harry, but lots from Niall, of course, "I think the media attention and the attention from the girls is," I can tell he is tired and I am hoping we can cuddle after this, "I think it's still very weird for us. So, it's hard for it to get to our heads because we still see it as weird and strange."

Niall is dying laughing, "It's weird." I agree with Harry because we both really don't understand it.

Harry adds on, "It's really strange." Zayn is messing with my hair now. Annoying. 

"I think the weird thing is that we are just normal people." Harry slaps me after I say this. Why? I don't know, but I still liked it.

It's Niall's turn to say the shout outs, "We would just like to give a shout out to Izzy, Jess, and Vivanna. And, I think we have one more question from Celia."

I read out with the paper touching my face again, "What is the most loving and caring thing you would ever do for a girl? Let's start with you Liam." I turn my face to Harry and we both look at each other kind of strangely. How long are we going to have to deal with girl questions?

"Um, I would take a girl on a romantic holiday."

I say to Niall, "Ok and you now."

"Um, I would bring her out-"

I cut him off loudly because I'm ready to end this whole video diary. We've been filming it forever and I am tired. "Brilliant and Zayn?"

Niall punches me in the head and I know I'll get him back later, "I would probably, um."

"Ok then and what about you Harry?" I want to know what he will do for me. I will expect it from him then so I let him finish.

"Um, I think I would write them a song." My heart melts and I need to hear it again.

"You would what?"

"Write them a song." He repeats.

He pushes my head, "Ok, um, ow." He finally laughs and I lose it. I want to kiss him so badly now. Damn it, I swore when I got in my first relationship I wouldn't be like this.

"Okay that's the end of this week. I hope you all join us again next week."

We all wave bye and Zayn takes off my scarf that I used as eye covering and I scream, "AHH THE LIGHT!" I scream and make a very obnoxious face. Then just like that Liam shuts the camera off and I kiss Harry on the steps.   

Author's note: Heyyy! I am going to start making the video diaries their own chapters because these do actually take a lot of time and analyzing the movements to get the right emotions. I need to stop being so hard on myself and what I put out. I hope you liked it!

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