Chapter 22: Cold, Dark, and Lonely

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Author's Note: Final stretch of chapters. So sad. But I hope to see you in the sequel!

Harry's POV:

"Ok, the camera is coming on in 3...2...1." The person behind the camera yelled at us. I could feel the push for Louis' knee in my back, it felt warm which somehow gave me chills.

"Hi we are One Direction, this is our video diary." His voice was like music to my ears, like a lullaby. I stared at him while he spoke. Louis mesmerized me more than anyone else I have met.

I could feel his eyes on me now, "You can come back here every week to find out what we've been up to." Louis was now rubbing his hands in my hair and I couldn't help but smile. "What we are feeling and everything that is going on."

"CUT!" The woman yelled from behind the camera, "That was great, now Liam I think that you should talk about what has happened this week."

After the camera began Liam started talking, "Alright what's happened this week then. We've moved into the X-factor house which is really exciting and we've been waiting ages for this." Louis started to rub Liam's shoulders which sent a surge of jealousy throughout my whole body but I smiled anyway. Maybe he was setting it up so he could touch me next.

"A very long time?" Louis made fun of Liam and the rest of the boys laughed. He still hadn't moved his hands off of him, why?

"We got a decent room in the house." Liam continued, I felt much better when Louis pushed his knee into my shoulder and let go of Liam's.

"We got the worst room in the house." I said and everyone quickly agreed

Zayn spoke up from the back, he knew about Louis and I, he said he was going to protect us and I believe him. "They could've given us a bigger room. I mean all of us are up there but we are having a good time."

I'm dying to touch Louis again so I turn around and touch his shoulder, "Sharing a room with four of our best friends." I am quick to touch Liam's shoulder too so that it doesn't look suspicious. Louis touches my face which makes me heat up like a light bulb, and I practically forget everyone else is there.

"Awww, Harry!" Louis' hands moved from my face to my jaw and I can barely breathe. When he takes his hands off of my face the rush disappears and I try to breathe normally again. Louis and I smile at each other. I feel more jealousy when Zayn hugs Niall from the back, I just wish Louis and I could.

"We've been practicing hard. It's a good song." Liam looks behind at everyone else, "We like the song don't we?" We all respond in unison with a monotone yes.

"We do like the song." I say and Liam copies me.

Louis starts speaking which makes my heart race, I don't know why it always does that, it must just be something about him. "I think we've had a lot of preparation now. And times are ticking by and we just can't wait to get back on the stage and share what we can do as a group." I keep stealing glances at him and he does the same to me it's like a little game of who will get caught first.

"We are really hoping you guys like it as well." I nod my head.

It was now the final segment and I couldn't wait to steal Louis away with hugs. "If you have any questions for us leave them down below."

"See you guys!" I yell first.

"Bye we love you!" Louis says right after me and I can't help but imagine if that was meant for me.

Sunday Night:

Louis felt alone in his bed, it was cold and empty. In the week before they all had moved to the X-factor house Harry and Louis had been sleeping in the same bed almost every night, but now that they were here it wasn't allowed.

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