Chapter 43: Flashbacks Part 2

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"I think that is a good decision." Zayn's mom said through the other side of the phone, "All of your dreams are going to come true, Zayn. This band might be one of the greatest things to ever happen to you."

He felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders, "Thank you mom. For supporting me through so much."

"No need to thank me honey. It's what moms are supposed to do." They said I love you to each other before saying goodbye for the night. Zayn was excited to tell Nathan because of everything worked out with the band he could go on tour with them and pursue his photography career.

He lightly knocked on the door but his boyfriend already opened it. Nathan picked him up and carried him all the way to the kitchen. "I missed you! All day I was thinking about you and how I couldn't wait to see you."

"I missed you too." They kissed each other softly. "What are you making?" Zayn smelled something familiar.

Nathan smiled a big cheesy smile, "So, it's our one week anniversary and I know that isn't a lot but I wanted to celebrate." Zayn felt butterflies all throughout his stomach. Had he really found someone as sentimental as him? "I decided that we should try making our favorite noodles from the date that we had. I felt like it could be fun. What do you think?"

"I think that it's perfect. I am so excited." He took a deep breath. Was it possible to fall in love with someone so quickly? "Also, I wanted to tell you more exciting news!"

Nathan looked at him with so much love in his eyes. Just by looking at each other they felt like they could turn on a lightbulb, "What is it?"

"Syco is offering us a record deal and I think I am going to take it. Along with the rest of the boys. That means if you want to and if One Direction gets big you can come on tour with us. You can start a big photography career travelling the world. What do you think?"

"I think that this is amazing! I can't wait to travel the world with you, Amore mio, now let's celebrate!"

Liam Payne sat alone in his bed. The x-factor house was dead silent and he told Daisy he was busy tonight. Was the whole One Direction thing something that he wanted to do? Did he really want to be in a boyband where girls were his only audience? Liam always knew that he wanted to branch out and explore with music and he was sure if One Direction would allow him to do that.

On the other hand, Liam had met four of the greatest people in his life. It was fun to be around them and he already felt like he could talk to them about everything.

Flashback: The Cabin

Harry was making breakfast trying his best to show off his cooking skills. Him and Louis had been out of sync since the night of Truth or Dare but they were starting to get back into their same rhythm. "Guys, we are going to be in the paper!" Niall said running in from the front door.

"What? We are going to be in the paper?" Harry asked from behind the stove. "How is that even possible we just got together as a band."

Niall shook his head in disbelief and so did everyone else in the room, "I can't believe it either but the lady at the market, I think her name was Kate or something like that, but she said that she recognized me from the paper in town." Everyone started to get excited.

"We have to walk down and get one! We could send it to our parents!" Liam suggested. Louis started walking down the stairs soon after, sleepily.

He rubbed his eyes, "What's going on? Why is everyone so excited?"

"Louis, we are going to be in the paper! Can you believe it?" Harry ran to him and shook his shoulders. His eyes quickly lit up which none of the boys could tell if it was because of Harry or the newspaper.

They started walking down the street right after breakfast. Liam and Niall in front with Zayn, Harry, and Louis in the back. It was like they were marching. When they made it to the newspaper station all of them felt like they were going to die.

Louis was the one to go up to the cashier and unfortunately they only had one paper available. When the boys eventually got home they all took turns passing it around staring at their faces on the front, "The X-Factor's new superstar boy band."

Present Day:

Liam began writing in his small journal before telling anyone else his decision. He didn't want to be influenced by anyone else but himself and his own mind:

I am going to do it. I am going to say yes to the record deal. I have to in order to make all of my dreams come true. One Direction could turn into one of the biggest boy bands in the world. How would I feel if I missed out on that? Not good.

I've worked hard to get here and I can't just quit now. This is my chance and maybe somewhere down the line I can do my own thing but for right now I need to stick with the boys.

This is the right choice. I know it.





Yes, Nathan is fluent in Italian, deal with it


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Byee besties

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