Chapter 18: Sour Sixteen

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Author's Note: crying cause we have like two more weeks and then this book is done.

Harry woke up to a knock on his door, "Mh, Who is it?" He didn't get very much sleep last night because his mind kept him awake.

"Louis, let me come in. I have something for you." Harry groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Fine." Louis walked in with a tray of breakfast which took Harry by surprise, "Did you make this?"

"No, I can't cook anything." the boy smirked at him, "You'll have to teach me." He sat down with the tray and rested his hand on Harry's knee. He decided to allow it because Louis was being nice and he did enjoy his company sometimes. "How did you sleep?"

Harry took a bite of his egg and swallowed it before answering, "Not well. I was up all night thinking about everything."

Louis knit his eyebrows together. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Everything has just got my head spinning. The band and stuff." Harry continued to eat and Louis watched him, mesmerized.

Simon ruined their moment by yelling, "LOUIS WHERE ARE YOU?" And he quickly removed his hand from Harry's leg and felt the glare he was receiving. Why do I have to be so scared? Why am I scared of love? "There you are! I was looking for you all over the house." Simon looked between Louis and Harry, "What is going on in here?"

"He just came in here to give me breakfast, that's all." Harry blurted out.

Simon cleared his throat and moved his eyes back to Louis, "Tell me now, did you or did you not cheat on your girlfriend Hannah. I know this is none of my business, really, but did you?"

"Uh, yeah." Louis' face looked beet red and Harry wished he could save him from this.

Simon looked furious at them, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? This is a competition where publicity is key!"

"Simon, what are you talking about."

"Have you not seen these tweets? Good thing I caught them and got them taken down before they were viral, but your crazy ex-girlfriend was trying to end your career, Louis, that is what I am talking about. Career comes first, happiness is secondary." Simon stormed out of Harry's bedroom without even saying goodbye.

Before Louis could say he was getting a bad feeling about the X-Factor Harry hopefully smiled, "She knows you cheated? You didn't lie about it?"

Louis saw the hopefully glint in the other boy's eyes and he didn't want to take it away, but he had too. Louis didn't want to start a relationship on a lie. "I said I cheated but not with my Harry." Louis smiled.

"Oh." Harry rolled his eyes, noticing what he had actually just said, "Why did you just say 'with my Harry'?"

"Because you're not just a guy like I said before. You're my Harry, my best friend, someone I love and really care about, remember?" The green eyed one wanted to kiss Louis so badly and tell him that he was 'his Lou'. Tell him that everything would be ok, they would come out together, and then live happily ever after. But they were interrupted.

"I'm so sorry Harry. I don't want to leave but I have to. Zayn says he needs me downstairs, it's an emergency. Will you just think about what I said?"

"Oh, um, yeah. I will." Louis shook his head smiling before running out the door leaving Harry alone with his cold breakfast.

Zayn looked at him sternly, "Louis, you told me to call you every time you talked to Harry. You said you wanted to focus on yourself."

"Yeah, but, I think I am ready now. I want to be with Harry and I think he wants to be with me too. You should've seen him upstairs, he really looked like he was going to think about it."

Zayn sat Louis down in a chair and began talking --lecturing-- like a teacher. "This is exactly what you told me not to let you do. Harry is just saying that because he is nice and I'm sure he has some love for you but you need to give him time and space. You don't have everything figured out, you can't place that all on a 16 year old kid."

Louis felt like he wanted to cry, how had he messed everything up so badly? He wanted to be with Harry but Zayn was right. Harry probably didn't love him and he probably ruined having a chance with him. "M-maybe you're right. I think I need to be alone now." Louis stood up and started walking to his room.

"Don't go into Harry's room, got it?" Zayn said before he closed the door.

"Got it." Louis whispered back.

It was time for rehearsals, they didn't have much time because they had to perform the next day but they were confident Simon had chosen the right song for them. "So, Simon said we have to sing a song called Torn, I think we should listen to it, then figure out the parts. Does everyone agree?" Liam had easily taken the lead like always. Everyone in the room agreed. Harry tried to focus on the song but he couldn't help but notice how far away Louis was from him. It's probably fine, Harry thought, He just wants to give me some space to think.

Author's Note:

But, I hope to see some of you guys in the sequel! It's just going to be called The Story of Our Life: Part Two and I am in the middle of working on a cover now!

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My Instagram is 1d_supermancarrots. Vote, comment, and follow if you feel inclined to do so. Byeee besties

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