Chapter 25: Tall, Dark, and Handsome

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         Harry and Louis sat cuddled up on the couch when the doorbell rang. Louis got up from his very comfortable spot which left Harry cold, "Hurry back!" He yelled which made Louis laugh.

When we opened the door he was greeted by a tall, black haired, blue eyed boy with red roses in his hand. The boy's smile turned into a frown, "You're not, Harry."

Louis lifted an eyebrow protectively, "No, but I'm his boyfriend." He knew he wasn't supposed to say that but when he didn't care. For some reason his instinct was telling him that his relationship was under attack.

"Oh, I think I'm at the wrong house." Harry walked up behind Louis to see no one other than Eli standing on his front porch weeks early. The boy's smile returned quickly, "Actually no I'm not. Hi Harry."

Harry looked nervously between both Louis and Eli, this was not about to be good. "Um, hi what are you doing here? You weren't supposed to come until the 7th show." Louis felt like he was third wheeling. Why didn't Harry tell him Eli was coming? He wouldn't have minded, he trusted his boyfriend.

"To surprise you, Hazza." Eli rubbed his hands through Harry's hair and forced his way through the door. "Is that ok?"

Harry could tell that Louis was uncomfortable, but he couldn't just send Eli away, could he? "First of all, please don't call me Hazza, that nickname is only for Louis, my boyfriend. Secondly, it's fine if you stay till the show but you can't stay here. You have to find a hotel."

Eli's eyes were like a warning to Louis, they said; he's mine, "That's not what we talked about over the phone. I didn't even know you had a boyfriend until I came knocking on your door." Louis felt like he was being stabbed in the heart. Harry didn't talk about him? Was he not that important in his life?

"Now you do. I am asking you politely to respect that. If you can't then leave." Harry knew the game that Eli was playing and he wasn't going to let it affect his relationship. This was the moment he truly knew who he loved and who he didn't. When Harry looked into Eli's eyes he didn't feel the need to swim in them, but with Louis that was all he could do. "So can you respect that?"

"Fine, I can, I will be back at dinner to meet your other friends. See you there." Eli stepped out the door placing his beautiful bouquet of roses on the table.

"What is going on here? Why is Eli here?" Hurt and angry traveled through his voice, "What makes me the most uncomfortable is that you didn't tell him that you had a boyfriend. Does this relationship mean anything to you? Are you embarrassed by me?"

"Lou, this relationship means everything to me. I'm not embarrassed by you either. I could never be embarrassed by you." Harry fidgeted with his hands. "I'm sorry I didn't tell him about you."

"Then what is it Harry? Why have you been on your phone so much? Why is Eli here? Why doesn't he know about me. Tell the truth." Louis interrogated. There was a certain distance between the two that they had never felt before.

Harry didn't want to do this. He thought that he had time to explain everything, but the truth would always come out. "I'm sorry. I have been lying. There are no doctors every morning, I've been talking to Eli. I love you though not him." The younger boy rushed to touch him like a magnet.

Louis pushed him off and stepped back, "You have no right to touch me right now Harry." 

Harry looked down at his feet, "You said that I always made you feel better."

"You must be an idiot or something. You basically just confessed to cheating on me. Maybe not physically but emotionally. Do you really think that everything is just going to magically turn back to normal?" Louis was fuming, "You promised me forever then right after you go off and do this. What the fuck. You are the only person I have ever loved. I thought you would be more careful." 

Tears stung the back of the criminal, Harry's, eyes. "I'm so sorry Louis. I still promise you forever. I didn't want any of this to happen." Harry stood up tremulously, "I still love you. Do you still love me?"

The oldest one's heart broke into a million pieces, "If it was about love Harry that we wouldn't be having this conversation. We would be cuddling on the couch or something else. It's about trust. I don't even want to look at you right now." Louis left Harry alone to cry in the kitchen.

Author's note: Please take notice to the many parallels between this one and chapter 15: This Isn't The Start of Something New. Also, I am literally dragging out this book so long cause I don't want it to end. It's embarrassing how sad it makes me.

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