Chapter 24: Guilt. Guilt. Guilt.

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Author's note: I'm back! I had a good small break but I am ready to be writing again! I hope you all love it.

Louis POV:

I can't believe they let us film this by ourselves. It was honestly better when we had that one woman as a director instead of Liam. He just needs to chill out and let us be ourselves because that's what people want to see, authenticity. Liam won't let me sit by Harry even though I promised nothing would happen.

"Listen up! We know the script. I don't want to dictate too much so let's just do it." Liam says. I'm surprised that he said that but I don't think it will last long.

Liam turns on the camera and rushes to sit down.

"This is One Direction and this is our video diary week two." I hear Harry say which makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Good on Liam for not letting us sit together; I wouldn't be able to contain myself.

Zayn speaks up excitedly, "We loved last week! It was incredible as Harry would say." I turn my head to look at Zayn smiling. I catch a glimpse of Harry too but I am trying not to make everything about him. "And I think that Liam wanted to say something."

"Yeah thanks to everybody." We all start messing with Liam's hair which makes him annoyed. Harry still hasn't touched me with his knee like he promised he would. Which reminds me of how distant he has been since our night at the hotel. "Stop it!"

Liam starts again after getting everyone off of him, "We are just really excited, happy to be here," I pretend not to worry that Harry hasn't felt the need to touch me, maybe I'm just too clingy and I need to back off. That's what I will start doing.

Harry begins talking and I find it hard not to look at him, "It's going to be a very big performance. I hope you guys like it and vote for us again!"

"Woo!" Niall yells randomly.

Liam hands me a paper of all the questions on it. When I start talking Harry nudges me which makes me feel better. It seems ridiculous, I know, for one small movement to calm me down. I feel like such an idiot because I am not the kind of guy to fall head over heels or be soft for someone.

"Last week we asked for some questions. We've got one here from Eloise." I can feel Harry's eyes on me like a laser, "She wants to know which roles people play in the band. Liam is the smart one, Harry is the flirt," he smiles at me when I say this and I feel like everything is alright in the world, "Zayn is vain and Niall is the funny one." I sit silently. What role do I really play in the band?

"Louis is the leader." Harry says to me and I know he means it. Zayn and Niall laugh because everyone knows it's not true. And, well, they have dirty minds.

Liam takes on the next question, which is good, because I don't really feel like talking right now anyway, "Hey Justine! You had a question for us and it was, 'what do we look for in girls?'" Liam stares at Zayn for a second but quickly moves his eyes, "Alright, what do we look for in girls, boys?" I stare at the screen frowning. I don't want to hide, I want Harry to touch me again but he won't, and I don't want to talk about girls. "I like a girl who has really really nice eyes."

I realize I have to say something so I say the dumbest thing I can think of, "I like girls who eat carrots." Harry likes carrots. They all laugh, so would I but I feel like crying instead.

Now it's Harry's turn, "I like girls who have a nice pretty face." I can't help but laugh because I know that is the farthest from the truth.Harry prefers personality over looks, "Well, obviously." Says Zayn from that back. I have to disagree, it's not obvious at all.

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