Chapter 35: This is Halloween... Kinda

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Author's note: I wanted to share something super exciting with you all... I came out to my family! Anyway, here is a short happy chapter :)

Thursday morning Nathan and Zayn rode back to the X-factor house together. Today, they decided in the group chat that they would host a Halloween party at the house since they would be busy on the actual day. The rest of the house members agreed to this and invited some of their friends over too.

When they got in the house Niall, Harry, Louis, and Liam were standing around the island talking about how they were going to make everything work in such a short amount of time. "First I think we have to have Louis and Harry go to the store. Get some decorations and-" Liam was interrupted by Zayn and Nathan.

"Hi guys!" they both waved. Liam started to feel nervous when they walked in the room. Why did they show up together? He tried not to think about it much and instead focus on the party.

"What were you talking about?" Asked Zayn which a smile on his face brighter than one they had ever seen before.

Liam coughed loudly, "I was just trying to discuss the plan. Harry and Louis are going to the store to get food and decorations. You and Niall will go to the costume store to get our costumes. I will stay here and clean." He took a deep breath and stared a Nathan, "I don't know what you going to do."

"I'll go with Zayn," He looked fondly at him, "And Niall of course." They all agreed on the plan and went their separate ways.

Louis & Harry:

"Can we get this please?" Harry cuddled a fluffy blue bear.

"Harry, we have to focus. We are in a time crunch here." Louis said sternly, but Harry's puppy dog eyes were stronger, "Fine, put it in the cart. I don't want to sleep with it though."

The younger one smiled even bigger this time, "That's ok, but now every time that you're gone I can cuddle this bear and think of you." They had matching couple bears now. One blue, one green.

"Wait, they are like our eyes. Did you notice that?" Louis said, looking at the bears again.

"I did." Both of them were starting to feel very sad because in Harry was going on a roadtrip with his family to see his grandmother. Louis was going to be miserable. And cold.

Zayn, Niall, & Nathan

Before they got in the car Zayn secretly told Nathan to sit in the back so that he could hang out with Niall for a little while, which he was fine with.

"YEAH YEAH YEAH, IT'S A PARTY not IN THE USA." All three of them sang in Nathan's car, a jeep wrangler. "We are such amazing singers."

"Ok Niall read the list." Zayn said, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Louis and Harry are Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Basic couples costume. I'm going to be a Ninja Turtle." Niall looked proud and puffed out his chest.

Nathan looked at him sideways. "Just one Ninja turtle?"

"Yeah I mean why not."

"How about we all match. You, me, and Zayn?" Nathan smiled. It warmed Zayn' heart to see Nathan, including his friends.

They all smiled at each other and ran around the store collecting all of the items for the Halloween costumes. Nathan and Zayn saw each other in the same aisle and smiled before running away, somehow that one moment made them feel more alive than any other time.

Author's Note: Heyy! There will be a part 2 going more in depth about the party! Sorry for the short chapter. I am just really busy tonight. I hope you have an amazing day!

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