Chapter 23: History Won't Hate Us

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Author's Note: Should I be writing a chapter and poem for Happily? Yes. Am I doing that? No. Also, the song for this chapter and the next one is Bend The Rules by Niall Horan

    It was the one month anniversary of when Harry and Louis got together. It had perfectly landed on a Saturday when no one cared what you did or if you went to stay with family or whatever else. Louis had planned for them to spend the day together and then sleep in a hotel for the night. "Good morning my love." Louis kissed his forehead, waking him up peacefully.

"Good morning." Harry rolled out of Louis' grasp, "Happy one month too us!"

"I have something special planned."

Harry frowned at him. "I thought that I was going to do that."

"Nope! Get up, it starts now."

After Harry took a shower, brushed his teeth, got dressed, and told the rest of the boy's goodbye they finally were off. They held hands on the center console as always while Louis drove. "So, what's the plan?"

"We are going to go to breakfast and then we are going to go to a park again. I brought our blanket too." Louis smiled, "Then, I got us a hotel for the night. We can stay there and say we went to see our parents."

Harry brought their hands to his lips and kissed Louis, "I love you." his heart dropped with nervousness, did he say it too soon?

"And I love you, Hazza." Louis smiled like an idiot and so did Harry, this would be a day they never forgot.

They ate breakfast and nothing really happened. They held hands under the table, ordered their food, ate, and then left. When they went out to the car Louis sat in the back instead of the from where he usually was. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to get you to come back here and kiss me." Louis smirked. "The windows are tinted." Harry rolled his eyes but got in the car anyway.

"Louis, you left a mark! What are we going to do?" Harry panicked looking at his neck in the mirror. "You can't do that."

"I can do whatever I want to do." Louis smirked which made Harry groan in annoyance, "It will be fine. We can cover it up or something. Don't worry about it." Louis put his hand on his cheek which Harry couldn't help but nuzzle into.

"Fine but I'm still mad at you. You don't get to kiss me for the rest of the day. Or tonight." Harry's eyes narrowed at him.

"Oh come on Harold. That is so mean. How am I not supposed to kiss you on our one month anniversary?" Louis whimpered and looked like a sad puppy.

Harry wanted to give in but he would stand his ground. "Nope. Drive."

When they made it to the park Louis pulled out their plaid green blanket. Somehow he knew how to find parks where no one else was at. They sat on a swing together on the other side of the park. "It's cold out here."

Louis smirked, "You know kissing me would probably make you less cold. Inside and out."

"Nope! Let's go on the swings." Harry threw the blanket off of his lap and ran. When he started swinging he felt free; it was always his favorite thing to do in primary school. It made his heart feel like it was flying. "Come on, Lou! Swing with me."

Louis ran to the swing next to him and closed his eyes and soon all of his worries faded away, "Look at us! We are flying, Harry!"

"Yes we are, love."

Late at night when they were sleeping Harry got a text that woke him up.

Eli: Hey! I got a ticket to one of your shows. I can't wait to see your face again.

Harry: Oh, that's great, which show?

Eli: The 5th live show. I know it's far away but I am still seeing you.

Harry: If we make it that far.

Eli: You will. I will talk to you more about it in the morning. Good night, Harry.

Harry: goodnight Eli

Louis woke up to the bright light, "Who are you talking too?"

Harry swore Eli was a friend, but if that was true, why did he feel the need to lie? "Just Liam. He was making sure we were ok."

"Ah, Lima. Come back to bed now. I'm cold." Harry did as he was told and cuddled in his arms but he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be in someone else's.

Author's Note:

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My Instagram is 1d_supermancarrots. Vote, comment, and follow if you feel inclined to do so. Byeee besties

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