Chapter 7: X-Factor Auditions, Louis

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A few minutes ago Louis opened up a text from his new friend wishing him luck with a rabbit. It made him smile. But now he was standing at the side of the stage, nervous. The intercom spoke above him, "Louis Tomlinson, please come on stage." Louis quickly hugged his mom and sisters before going on to face everyone.

Louis Walsh, the judge, asked him, "What's your name?"

"Louis Tomlinson." He didn't really know why they asked this question when two seconds ago the intercom said it for everyone to hear.

"Ok, and what song will you be singing for us?" Asked Katy Perry

"I am going to be singing 'Hey, There Delilah' by Plain White T's." Louis smiled.

Katy smiled back, "Ok, take it away."

"Hey, there Delilah. Don't you worry about the distance. I'm right here if you get lonely, give this song another listen and close your eyes. Listen to my voice, it's my disguise, I'm by your side." Louis was so thankful they only had to pick a portion of the song because this was the only part he felt most comfortable singing. "Oh, it's what you do to me. Oh, it's what you do to me. Oh, it's what you do to me. Oh, it's what you do to me. Oh, it's what you do to me. What you do to me." Louis smiled, finishing he had a really great feeling about this.

"Louis, I think you have a great voice below the surface. If you work really hard to get to the bottom of your talent you will be unstoppable. I think we can give you that chance here, so I'm saying yes." Cheryl decided.


"I agree, I think if you break out of your shell a little more and choose what kind of singer you want to be you will be fantastic. I like you too. I think that you will be liked by a lot of people here." Simon smiled, "So I'm saying yes!" Louis jumped up and down. He wanted to go hug all of them.


Katy sighed at herself which made Louis worry. "I think that you need more time. I think you need to grow as a singer. I would love to say yes because you are very sweet, but I don't want to push you into a space you're not ready for. I'm going to have to say no. I'm sorry." Everyone booed at Katy including Cheryl and Simon, "Hey, I would be a bad judge if I didn't choose what I really thought.

It all relied on Louis now. He nervously looked around the room while everyone held their breath. "I think that you have a lot of great potential and I think you deserve this so I am saying yes!" Louis jumped up and down saying thank you many times before running into his family's arms.

"You did it Louis! You did it! You are such a superstar." said Jay, his mom. She kissed the top of his head.

Lottie smiled at her brother, "I want to be just like you when I grow up! I want to go on this show too." She cleared her throat, "La, La, La, La, La!"

Louis picked her up and spun her around, "Charlotte Tomlinson wins the X-factor! Woohoo!" he started to tickle her and she giggled.

"Lou stop it!" He let her go and walked over to his grandparents and gave them the biggest hug. He wanted to make them proud. They were his muse.

"You did so great up there, Louis. You are going to be a superstar." Louis' nan hugged him back and kissed him on the cheek.

"Son, you did better than I could've done up there." Said his grandpa, "Hell, you did better than any of us could've up there!"

After Louis finished hugging and celebrating with his family for a little bit he decided to text Harry and tell him the good news:

Louis: I got through! You lucky bunny worked! We are going to be on the show together.

H: I knew you could do it. And, Lucky bunnies always work. I am so excited. I'll talk to you soon.

Louis: Ok :)

He shut off his phone and continued celebrating with his family. This was going to be the greatest time of his life.

Author's Note:

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