Outtake Scene #2

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From Chapter 10: A New Direction

Harry and Louis didn't get to see each other as often as they had hoped. boot camp was making them practice almost every second of the day. But, today was the last day of boot camp, so they decided to go out to dinner together. 

Louis threw on a striped shirt and smoothed it out. He wanted it to look perfect. Something about the curly haired boy made him feel different than anyone had every made him feel. Louis had never been the type to seek validation from others, he just did what he wanted to. But, something about Harry made Louis want to be complimented. 

Once he was finished getting dressed he got in his car. It was only a short drive to Harry's house and Louis often questioned himself why he didn't go and surprise him. He got there five minutes later and found that the young boy was already outside waiting for him. "Hey Harry!" Louis shouted when he rolled down his window. 

Harry smiled as wide as a Cheshire cat. And his beautiful dimples made Louis blush. "Hi Lou." And it wasn't an 'I like you' kind of blush. Louis was doing the friendly blush, everyone did it. 

The car ride was mostly silent except for a couple of awkward conversations that consisted of, How about the weather? and How's your family? Harry didn't remember it ever being like this and he hoped that it would turn back to normal.

When they arrived at the pizza place, Louis held the door open and was already insisting on paying as soon as they got in the building. "I'm going to pay so get whatever you want."

"No, we're splitting the bill. Why would you ever pay?" Harry wore a confused face but on the inside he thought it was the cutest thing ever.

Louis rolled his eyes, "because I'm nice."

"So what you're saying is that I'm not nice?" Harry scoffed, and the waitress sat them down at their table.

"No, what I'm saying is that I'm nicer than you." Louis' leg bounced up and down under the table. He tried to stop it but at the same time he couldn't help it. Harry didn't respond to this, he just did a little pout. "Seriously though Harry, I've missed talking to you."

Harry thought about this for a moment, Louis really missed him. Although he didn't really know his feelings about it, Harry knew it at least felt good. But, before he could answer his best friend he got a text message from a boy named Eli who he decided to ignore. "I missed you too."

"Good." They talked a little bit about the X-factor and ordered their food. It felt really good to catch up with each other, but when they thought about what the next day would bring, both of the boys stomach's started to churn.





I hope you liked this outtake scene! I was so close to including it in the final story but I decided against it in the end. Have a nice day. 

Byee besties    

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