Chapter 2~ Plea for Help

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            Adam smiled as he walked toward the elevator, thinking about tonight’s show. It had been a great show. It was about 1 AM now, he had been signing autographs, so he had just gotten back, but the rest of band had already come back to the hotel. He rode up the elevator to the top floor to where his, and all of his band mate’s rooms were as well. He passed his room and went to Monte’s. He knocked on the door. Monte came to the door smiling,

            “Join the party!” he said as he led Adam into the room where he saw all his band mates sitting and enjoying a couple drinks. He saw Isaac sitting next to Cam on the couch and then Sasha and Brooke, and Monte went over to a chair to sit down. Wait—One... two... three... four...

            “Okay, either I can’t count, or there is only five of you in here besides me,” Adam said slightly worried, “Where’s Tommy?” 

            “Haven’t seen him. On the way back he seemed pretty distracted. When we got back he went to his room and we haven’t seen him since. Figured he was tired, so we just left him alone.”

As the words fell from Monte’s mouth, Adam’s smile started to fade. It wasn’t like Tommy to go to bed so early, or to miss out on hanging out with the band after a show.

“I think I’m going to go check on him. I’ll be right back guys.’’ Adam started toward the door but Isaac stopped him,

“Dude, I’m sure he’s fine. Just come sit down and if you’re still worried in a little while you can go check on him.”

Adam sighed and reluctantly came over and sat in the only empty chair. If Tommy were here, he would probably be sitting in my lap right now. Adam smiled at the thought. He loved hanging out with Tommy. He smiled again at the thoughts of his little blonde bassist, but then his smile faded when he realized again that Tommy wasn’t there. Suddenly, Adam’s thoughts were interrupted by someone saying his name.

“Adam!” Monte was shouting his name, “I asked you a question.”

“Wait, wha?” For thinking about Tommy, Adam hadn’t heard Monte’s question.

“I asked if you wanted to play truth or dare with us.”

“Oh, uh, sure...I guess.” I let out a fake smile.

“Okay, so who’s going first?” Cam said through a smile.
            “I’ll go,” Brooke said quickly, and she looked directly at Adam. “So, Adam, truth or dare?”

Adam smiled. “Let’s go with truth. I really don’t feel like doing anything stupid right now.”

“Alright,” said Brooke happily, “So, who is the first person that comes to mind if when I say the word ‘Sexy?’”

As soon as she finished the question, my mind jumped directly to thoughts of my Tommy Joe. “Uh, no one…” I said hesitantly.

“Adam, it’s called TRUTH for a reason. You aren’t supposed to lie,” Brooke said.

“Fine. The…uh, first person that comes to mind is…Cah ahTommyah...” I said trying to cover it up with a cough.

Everyone is the room looked at Adam, jaws dropped. “Tommy?”

Damn. Everyone had heard me.

Isaac looked at me with concerned eyes. “Adam, you know he’s straight.”

“I know, but I’m sure the girls would agree with me, Tommy Joe is sexy.”

Cam, Brooke, and Sasha all nodded their head in unison. “He’s right.”
            By now, it was nearly 1:45, and I was still worried about Tommy. Sasha must’ve noticed because she looked at me and told me to go check on Tommy.

I smiled at them, and got up and walked out the door.

When I walked into the hall, a smile washed across my face as I walked toward Tommy’s door. My door…Cam’s door…. Ah finally, Tommy’s door. I could hear the loud music blaring from inside the room. I knocked hoping I would get an answer, but I got nothing. Luckily, I had an extra room key for each of my band members. When I opened the door, the lights were on and my eyes rushed to the large bed against the wall in the center of the room expecting to see the sweet, blonde bassist in a peaceful slumber, but he wasn’t there.

“Tommy?” I called out waiting for an answer, but got nothing. I saw Tommy’s phone on the bedside table and knew by that he was definitely here. He never goes anywhere without his phone. I rushed around the room in a panic, looking everywhere, that’s when I saw the light on in the bathroom. I knocked on the closed door. “Tommy?”

No answer. Worried, I knocked again, still no answer. Figuring he had probably gotten drunk and passed out or was puking or something, I opened the door, which I was surprised had not been locked. My eyes scanned the room, first, seeing the puddles of red on the floor. My mind went into total panic. I followed the puddles with my eyes until my eyes lay upon a lifeless looking Tommy in the corner.

            “OH MY GOD!” I yelled completely shocked. I ran to him and fell to my knees in the puddles of blood on the floor. His body was so cold.

            “Tommy Joe…w-what have you done…why would you do this!” I shook his body and I heard a small moan escape from his sweet, pale lips. “Tommy!” I yelled again. I looked at the rest of the scene and saw the razor near my knee. Apparently some of the band must’ve heard me yelling because they came rushing into the room calling my name. “W-We’re in the bathroom,” I yelled, “c-come quick!” my voice quivered as I called to them.

            When they reached the door, they all gasped “Oh my God!”

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