The Letter

295 21 4

Schneep's pov.

I wake up the following day to weight on top of me. I look down, being greeted yet again with fluffy hair and gentle snores coming from the shorter boy resting, his head on my chest and the rest of his body on top my own. I slowly roll him over and rest him on his back, with his head against my blue pillows. I get ready for work and make the both of us some coffee, saying good morning to the others before going back to my room and setting his coffee on the bedside table. Anti shuffles around before fluttering his eyes open. "Morgin..." He mumbles out tiredly; I reply, "Good Morning!"I help him sit up and pass him his coffee, and he thanks me in return after a couple sips. "I can't ztay too long zis morning. I need to get to ze hospital as zoon as I can zo I can get my vork done quicker."

"Okay? Can we do something later?"

"Zure, vhy not? I'll be home around 7 tonight zough."

"It's not like that's late. Just don't make me wait too long."

"I von't. I promize."

"Have a good day."

"You too, Anti, Bis später!"

~Time Skip~

I step through the door and shut it quietly. I ended up getting back home much later than I told Anti I would - four hours, to be exact. I wonder if he's asleep? I feel bad for making him wait for so long; a pit forms in my stomach with guilt. I don't bother to turn the lights on in case it ends up waking someone from their much-needed sleep, but just when I was about to reach the bottom of the stairs, a voice sounded from the darkness, and a mild green glow came from the direction of my recliner. "H̶̘̀̍́̒̓͆͝͝ë̵͈̩̭͕̝͚̻̘́ṉ̸̡̟̗͛̐̋̑̐́͐̐̿̍͒̔͂͠r̸͔̞̼̗̟̀͂̀̓͂̀̑̔̕i̴̛͓͉̫̋͋̎͂̔́̂̋̊́̀̀͜͝ķ̶̡͓̮̼̰̙͈̟̞̀͗̓͗͊́."

"Ah..." I responded in surprise. "An-?"

"You're late. You said you would be here 5 hours ago." In his voice, he has a rasp, a disappointed tone blended with a cold brick wall being built. "Zorry, I'm zo late. Have jou been vaiting here for 5 hours?" I ask him with concern. He sounded pretty pissed, and I don't blame him. Despite his obvious displeasure, his voice is still tender. "What took you s̴̰̏͑͜o̵͎͎̅͝͝ ̸̥͚̀̿̔l̶̯͚͍̔̒o̸̼̠̽̾ń̸̢͇̰͆g̴̛͓?̸͈̰͆̏͛" He stands up, the green glow now facing my direction. Was this what Chase was telling me about all those years ago? His right eye, glowing green with the suffocating emotions pooling in his head. "I̷ ̶a̸s̵k̶e̶d̵ ̵y̸o̸u̵ ̵a̵ ̵q̴u̴e̶s̶t̴i̶o̴n̴,̴ ̸H̸e̷n̴.̵" He strides towards me, his shortness making him slightly less intimidating, but I'm not stupid. If he really wanted to, he could probably throw me three blocks with his demon strength. Luckily for me, I think he cares too much to do that. I sigh. "A lot happed. Zere's really no good excuze. I'm zorry."

"I have ͘time." I sigh again. The singular bright glow turns into two, much smaller, orbs. He grabs my hand and pulls me to the couch before pushing me down and sitting very, very close. His eyes slowly lose their light as the ceiling light starts to gingerly illuminate the room. I can see his face now. Hard, cold eyes, no longer green, but a hazel-brown color, analyzing me and taking in every little detail, something I didn't know they could do. His mouth has cracks in it; he probably hasn't had anything to drink in at least a while. The breaks look painful, the bumps pulling at the skin around them, probably explaining why his voice is so raspy from not using it for hours. The bridge of his nose and his forehead is crinkled, his eyebrows tilted down. His eyes are shaded over by his thick lashes, his eyes losing a bit of their toughness, replaced with a bit of curiosity. They're cold but far warmer compared to when we started the interaction. His cheeks began to warm up during my silent staring, melting away some of the ice in his glare. 

"Well?" He beckons me to speak, wanting to hear my reasoning for spoiling the potentially enjoyable night we could have had if I just hadn't-"To be completely honest vith you, Anti, I got very lost in my work. Once I checked the time I tried to get back as quickly as I could but I managed to hit every red light on the way back and-"

"n̷̖͚͌́ô̵̠t̵̟͌͆h̸̻̫́̉ì̸͚ņ̷̟̎g̶̞͌̓ ̷̠͌̽n̴̥͊e̴̜͝w̸̛͐͜ͅ ̵͖̅ṭ̸̍͌h̵̳͆́ͅḛ̵̯͗̈́n̷̔̆͜͜ ̵̼̠̉I̵̤͋ ̴͇̫̈́s̷̥̜̉̍è̶͙ẽ̸̲̾.̵̞̑͘.̵̮̀̂.̸̦͈̽̓"

"Anti, bitte... Es tut mir leid Liebe." He looks down, closing his eyes and sighing. He then glitches a pad of paper and a pencil into his hands and adding dim light into the room. He begins hastily scribbling words onto the page, presumingly so that he can get what he needs across to me. Once his shaking hand reaches the bottom of the page, he rips it off the pad and hands it to me.

 Once his shaking hand reaches the bottom of the page, he rips it off the pad and hands it to me

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"Anti?" I look up at him from the paper. He is looking away from me, of through the dining room and into the dark kitchen. I let out a sad and tired smile and turned him, so at least his body is facing me. "It's okay to veel confuzed by jour emotionz Anti. Danke, dass du es mir gesagt hast."

"Can I be honest with you for a second? Like... really honest? Like... super very mega honest?"

"Ov couze Anti. Let out vhat jou need."

"I-..." He cut himself off. As if he was trying to plan the best way to say what he wanted, or maybe he needed a boost of confidence. "I like you. I like you a lot." He said with desperation, gently laced in his voice along with fear and care.

"I like you too." I spoke after a second of silence, a smile growing on my face. I watched as his eyes begun to water, and warm tears glided down his face slowly, his cracked lips pulled into a smile. He looked down and covered his mouth, huffing before he pounced to me and hugged me as if I would disappear if he let go. I hugged back just as tight. After a couple minutes, he pulls back, and his eyes flash down to my lips before flicking back up. "Uh... may I?" He asks me nervously. I smile and nod. He draws his lips closer to mine before they gently connect in a kiss.

~The End~

AN: It's over! When I started this story I was in year 7 and now I'm a few months away from senior years. Thank you everyone so much for sticking around and supporting me and this story. I will be honest, this was much harder than I anticipated. I have no idea how some people manage to write hundreds of these things without fail, and I give them my full support. It is not likely I will make another one of these stories, however if anyone has any requests for ship stories I may consider making a oneshots book since I have some ideas of my own I wanna get out of my head. Thank you all again for reading this book, and I wish you all the best. Until we meet again.

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