In The Doctor's Office

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Schneep's pov.

I grab a baby wipe from one of the packets in my draws and dampen it a bit before walking over to the glitch bitch. I sit on the edge of the cot and hold his chin between my fingers. I start to gently wipe off the vomit, so I don't cause any irritation in the skin. As I wipe, his pale skin and his soft pink lips are revealed. I make sure to get a drop of the liquid that is resting just outside his mouth with my gloved thumb. It may have been the glove against my thumb or the lack of sleep I get, but his lips seemed so soft. Softer than a baby blanket or bunny's fur. I could barely see a single crack in them. Their color was almost as pale as his skin, the small movements coupled with the color was hypnotizing. I just couldn't take my eyes off of them. Why? I have never felt like this before, so why was I feeling so entranced now? Is this some strange demon magic? I remain stuck in my trance until his tongue come out and licks the upper half of his lips. My shift moves from his gorgeous lips to his... even more, entrancing eyes? His two emerald eyes that seem bold compared to his pale face. The same two eyes are staring into my soul, innocently. And wait... Is he blushing?

Anti's pov.

I slowly start to re-gain my continuous back after my long and painful depressive episode. I can feel something gently brushing against my lips. Wait- It's more like caressing. Yeah. That. My eyes flutter open to bright lights in my eyes. My eyes adjust, and I lick my lips since they felt dry. I look up to see none other than the good doctor above me. Could it have been him caressing my lips? Perhaps he was just wiping some vomit off them. But now his attention is onto me, and now we're just staring at each other... again. Well, this is awkward. I can feel my face start to heat up at the situation. Come on brain! He was probably just wiping something! GOD DAMN AWKAWDNESS! I cuss myself. I'm pretty sure he saw my blush because now his face is burning. Come on, Anti, pull yourself together! You can't be like this in front of him! "S-zorry about zat kumpel." He stutters out nervously, looking to the side. Somehow his cheeks grow to an even darker shade of red.

Schneep's pov.

I'm well aware of the blush spread across my face, so I stand up and wash the cloth. I take off my mask and unknowingly slam it down on the bench. What is wrong with me? I scold myself mentally as I grab a new cloth out of the draw and dampen it before walking back to Anti. "You okay?" He asks in a horse, but soft voice. "Vatevah.." I reply annoyed, but it came out a lot quieter than hoped. "So... What happened anyway?"

"Vell... I got a call from Chase saying ju 'vomited your gutz out' and zat Jameson was zsobbing on Jack's zshuldah." I state. The glitch's expression turning shocked as he looked to the side. He looked shameful. I start to wipe his shirt before he sits up. "Here, let me do it." He says, going to grab the cloth out my hand but I pull it out of his reach, which causes him to sit on his knees and lean over me. "What? Just give me the damn cloth!" He says as he leans over me, oblivious to what he is doing. I give him the cloth, hoping that he'll get off me and not notice, but when I do he just sat on his knees. He wiped his legs as I just stared at him. What. The. Fuck?

"Soooooooo... Tell me avout vat happened." I asked awkwardly. "Well, I started to feel sick just this morning actually. And when I closed the door after talking to you... It just kinda happened..." He states, looking into my eyes again, realizing how close we were. "Zere has to ve more zen zat," I say, the glitch rolling his eyes and smirking. I stand up off the cot and lead him to my desk. "Well, duh. You just have to be willing for me to go in full detail."

"Iz zat a challenge?" He giggles cutely and smiles at me. It's not even a scary or insane smile. It's so genuine, it's so beautiful. Wait did I JUST CALL HIM CUTE?? oh fuck. He looks at me with a blank face and a deep blush from ear to ear. "D-did you just call me cute?" Anti stutters out embarrassed. "Vell, mm, j-j-just tell me vat happened!" I say. This is going to be a roller coaster of a conversation...

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