Baking To Show My Love

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Schneep's pov.

"Oi..." A mumble sounds as something pokes my cheek softly. "Wake up. I'm hungryyy..." I slowly stir awake, hugging the figure closer as I snuggle into the soft fluff. "God damnit..." I grumble tiredly as I open my eyes and lift my head. "Just give me a minute..." I mumble to the voice below me. After a minute, I look to see Anti, who's sitting on my lap and leaning into my chest. Wasn't he sitting next to me last night? "guten Morgen süsser." He looks up at me and half-smiles tiredly. "Morning."

I sit up, lifting Anti with me, so we're both sitting up. What time is it? I look to the other couch, where the others are sleeping on top of each other, and sprayed out everywhere. "You said you had work this morning, right? It's 6:23, and I wanted you to have enough time to eat." Anti whispers into my neck. "Ah... Zank jou."

"What did you say after you said good morning, by the way?" He looks up to me, emerald eyes glossy with the morning. "It was like... suser... or something."

"Oh... don't vorry about zat, ja?" I deter with a nervous smile. I let go of him, and he scurries to the kitchen. I push myself up and walk over to the counter, leaning against it as I watch Anti grabbing heaps of ingredients. "Please try not to vake anyvone." He waves a hand in my direction, dismissively, "Yeah, yeah! Just go take your shower and all that! You want the same as the other day?"

"Ja bitte danke. I'll go have that shower," I thank him as I walk towards my bedroom and take my shower. After I hop out, I hear a bustle of noise from the kitchen's dining table. I make it downstairs and see that Anti had made breakfast for everyone. "Good morning, Schneep!" Jack gleams, and I take a seat. Anti places a coffee cup down in front of me before setting down his own and sitting down. "Danke." He hums in response and waves around his hand as he digs in. As we eat and talk, while some were hesitant to start eating, the other egos compliment him on his food. "Since when did you know how to cook, bro?" Chase asks him with a grin, and Anti replies with, "Since I had a knife."

It's nice to get to eat breakfast with everyone—such a rare opportunity for me. I finish quickly and stand up. "Na dann, I should go pack my bag." I walk back to my room and grab my folder, earphones, pencil case, and... wait, where's my lunch box? "Looking for this?" I whip around and see Anti shaking my lunch box in front of him as he leans smugly in the doorway. "I snuck into your room while you were in the shower and packed you some lunch," He walks over proudly, handing me the container. "Jou veally didn't have to."

"You wouldn't have eaten anything otherwise! It's only a few snacks, so it's not too much." I open each section, studying each delicious treat. He explains what everything is as I go along. "In the top layer is just a couple pancake skewers with strawberries and Nutella. The next layer has some doctor themed sugar cookies that I quickly whipped up. Then there's some mixed fruit cut to look like flowers, and finally, there are some coffee macaroons. Nothing too big but... yeah!" He shrugs as if it was nothing. "How long did zis take jou?" I question him, thoroughly impressed. I look up at him and into his eyes, which are shimmering with hope.

"Do you like it? It was all pretty last minute, but I made the longer things first and then just dug up some cutters, and then I made breakfast, but I didn't just want to make it for you, so I made some for everyone and-" I cut his rant off with a hug. He put so much work into just making a couple snacks. All last minute too! Not to mention, he made breakfast for everyone. "Danke, Anti. I love it... vut jou didn't have to put zo much vork into just making me lunch." I pull away, and he crosses his arms.

"It's not like I did it especially for you or anything! I would have done the same thing for anyone else. I just didn't want you to starve."

"Zure, Anti... I'll zee jou vhen I get back, ok?" He drops his arms and holds onto the bottom hem of his shirt. "Ok. Have a good day," He says quietly; I notice a bit of icing on his cheek and wipe it off with my thumb. A specific set of words itch at my throat, trying to crawl their way out, but all I do is smile as I walk out the room. "...ᵒᵛᵉ ᵘ..." I hear an almost silent squeak. Thinking it was just a squeaky floorboard or a chair, I continue down the hall and head off to the hospital.

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