Unexplained Jealousy

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Hey everyone! Just before I start this long awaited chapter, I wanted to apologise for taking so long updating. As you all know, a lot has been happening, and on top of that I have had a lot going on with school. Thank you all for waiting so long and I'll try update more often. Enjoy!!

Anti's pov.

"Oh, what yummy blackmail..." I hear someone say, as I shuffle in my waking. I slowly blink open my eyes. "Blank! don't you have enough of that shit?" I hear Dark's deep chocolaty voice yell from beside me. I squint my eyes, adjusting to the light of the sun coming through the treehouse's half-blinded windows. "Sorry, but I need them just in case you both decide to screw me over." Blank laughs. I lift my head off the spot it was resting and scratch my head. "What 're ye' gobshites yellin' fer?" I mumble tiredly, my accent coming out more. "Just getting a bit of blackmail for later usage," Blank says proudly while giving the unbandaged part of my calf a couple of pats. "He was taking photos of us sleeping." Dark, obviously displeased, corrected Blank, as he rubbed his eye with his shirt sleeve.

"Don't ye' have enough of da' shite? But honestly, I don't even care anymore, ye' get it? While ye' takin' de' photos, why don't ye' just send em' ta' everyone!" I rant in my sleepy state. Not fully aware of what I was saying, not that it matters. "Don't give me ideas, T!"

"Whatever." I feel Dark shift and stand up from beside me, walking over too look out the glass doors and onto the open field. "The wasps are gone. I'm going to get a couple things, will you both go home alone?" He asks, Blank and I nodding. I get up and stretch before I walk into the shared bedroom and start packing my things into my bag. I wonder how the others are doing back home. I grab the flowers and wrap them in a yellow bow. "I hope Chase will like 'em. Even if it's hella late."

"The only thing I hope for is for the house to still be standing." Dark counters as Blank laughs. I roll my eyes. "Speaking of burning things down... Do you guys remember when we tried to make a mini-golf course?" Blank asks, making me smirk at the memory. "Is that your way of making us forget about you taking photos of us?"

"No, I just thought I should mention it." he replies as I grab my stuff and clean up my clothes and hair before walking to the door. "Well... I guess I'll see you both later." I turn, smiling and rubbing my eyes. "Hopefully, we'll get to see Die next time." Dark returns a small smile as he grabs a shopping bag, filling it with a couple cookies left from the other night and pats Blank's shoulder.

We stand in a thoughtful silence...

"welp, see you guys." I chirp before glitching out the treehouse and into my bedroom back home. Well, that was awkward.

I empty my bag and hang it on the back of my wheely chair. Grabbing the flowers off my bed and quietly walking to Chase's room and glitching them onto his desk. I walk down the stairs, deciding to sit on the counter and flip my knife around, zoning out.

I'll probably get beat for having this thing out, but what does it matter? Would Schneep be home from work? Yeah, most likely. I should make some coffee. Wait- when did Jack change the filter last? I'll do that later; Everyone is probably out... or sleeping... I'm hungry.

I should finish those games I started. "Hey, Anti, you're back!" I jump from my thoughts, startled. "Oh, sorry dude, you alright?"

"Ahh- yeah, I'm fine... It's just a small cut," I hiss softly through my teeth "What's up?"

"Oh! I just wanted to thank you for the flowers, they're nice." He grins widely. "Where did you get them? The florist?" He asks as he gets the first aid kit from the kitchen. "I actually got them from the forest. It's pretty far away."

"Is that way you were away for so long? and why your knees and arms have bandaids?"

"yeah... Oh, hey, Schneep!" I send a small involuntary smile to the handsome man walking towards us from the stairs. "Ahh, Anti, How are ju? I haven't - vhy do ju have bandages on jour legs and arms?" He cut himself off, coming over to me, sat in the chair in front of me, and rolled up my pant legs. "Morning Chase."

"morning, Schneeps! Guess what Anti got me for my birthday?" Chase asks while passing him a mug of coffee. Chase walks over and sits in my usual chair next to Scheep. "Vhat, Chase?"

"He got me a bouquet of orange tulips from somewhere in the forest!" Schneep looks at him and then at me. He closes his eyes before continuing to observe my bandaids. "That was nice of him... Anti... vould ju like to tell me vhy ju have a cut on jour palm?"

"That was a fast change of subject." Chase muses, "Umm... I was just... knife... flipping?" I answer, ignoring the visible signs of jealousy. I can usually tell when someone is jealous because I used to feel it a lot, so I just pull my suspicions from my past attitude. Although, I don't get why he would be jealous of me giving Chase flowers... It's not like he likes me back. "Vell zat's better zan being cut on a rock or zomezing... Come vith me to mein office, I'll patch jou up."

Schneep's pov.

I don't know why I felt so jealous when Chase told me Anti got him flowers. They were just a nice gesture, so I don't understand why Chase said it so weird. Maybe it was to try to make me feel jealous since I told him I liked Anti, and he's trying to hook us up or something like that. Just like he tried to do in high school... verfluche diesen entzückenden Trottel! Wenn er nicht so nett wäre, würde ich ihn wahrscheinlich töten.

I gently grab Anti's wrist and pull him to my office bitterly. I let him in and turn towards Chase, I do the 'I'm watching you' thing to him when I see that he's smirking before I walk in and close the door with a small huff. I look over to Anti, whose sitting on the cot in the middle of the room and looking at me with a confused look. "You ok?" he asks me quietly as I walk over to the cabinet. I grab some Band-Aids and antibiotic, sitting in my wheely chair and riding over to Anti.

I grab his hand and open it, so it sits flat. "Schneep?" he whispers in a soft voice, a confused tone behind it, but the smoothest I've ever heard him speak. I use the antiseptic to wash his hand, making him hiss quietly. I don't know why I feel like this... I shouldn't feel like this. Maybe on some level, I wish he bought me flowers... but no... It's not healthy to think like this. I grab the bandages in silence and wrap Anti's hand in them, before I stand up, weighted.

"Schneep, what's wrong? And don't say that it's nothing... please talk to me," he says with a desperate tone. "... I could find you some flowers if you want! I mean- that's if you- if you- not in like a weird... like in a weird way- I...- like blue- no it's like- I... you know..." Anti stutters as his form glitches with a low humming sound. I allow an amused huff out, my eyes closed, and my lips in a small smile. "Jou don't have to get me flowerz, Anti. I'm zorry for worrying jou... I honestly don't know vhat's wrong vith me zis morning."

"Oh... well- uh..." he takes a second to think. "when do you work next?"

"tomorrow night."

"Ok... how about I make you breakfast in bed then? That's only if you want me too, though! I know you're perfectly capable of making your own food- it's just like as... like as a nice... gesture." Anti's cheeks become a light pink, and his glitching is intense.

"I vould like zat very much, Anti."

You Can't Hate Me Forever! (Anti x Schneep)Where stories live. Discover now