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Schneep's pov.

"That was a job well done, Doctor."

"Shut ze fuck up," I grumble back to Dr. Iplier as I hang my mask off my ear and grab my coffee mug that has writing on it that says, 'I prescribe coffee.' I walk to the coffee machine and fill my cup, leaning against the counter. "So, how'd things go at home?"

"Anti vomited in hiz room, zo I had a talk to him and helped him clean it up."

"You on better terms then?"

"I guess zo..." I let my mind wander to the night before, as Dr. Iplier's phone dinged. "ju having jour own home troubles?"

"... Nah, just Dark texting about a meeting on Wednesday."

"Ahh," I say, drifting off from the conversation and instead into my own thoughts. I put my empty mug into the sink and flop into the desk chair, opening my computer, and doing my paperwork. "You got anything else to do on the schedule?"

"Nozing really... just got to vinish up ze paperwork zen I'll be off,"

"That's odd; you usually have a heap of work to do," he says. I turn around to look at him suspiciously before turning back to the computer and slumping back. "...I just zought I should spend more time with ze othah egos."

"Sureeee... You have your whole life to spend time with them, and only now you start taking more time to do it. Come on Schneep, I'm not that stupid, what's changed?" Iplier walks and sits in the wheelie chair next to me, bending forward and resting his arms on his knees. "I'm not sure, doctor," I say mostly to myself, deep in thought. What HAD changed? I always would be nose deep in piles of work, but when the others started to voice their worries, I stopped working at home and stayed at the hospital till later into the night. And, now all of a sudden I want to start spending more time at home? I never even did that for my ex-wife... well, before that bastard Rick took her. But I don't want to think about that now...

Jameson's pov.

"You look like a monkey ~, and you smell like one too!" the four of us singing as Chase blew out the candles on his cake. "You guys are such children, but thanks dudes." he laughs, as Jack went into the kitchen to grab a knife. Chase stood up from his chair and held the knife firmly, slicing into the cake. "Don't touch the bottom!" Jackie shouts, "Otherwise, you gotta kiss the person closest to you." "Jackie, we're 30, calm down," Marvin says, pulling Jackie back into his chair. "But, they're the rules!" We all laugh out, telling jokes and eating chocolate cake. until Jack speaks up. "We'll wait until Schneep gets home to do presents, okay?"

"Where is Anti?" I ask, signing my question to him. "I'm not actually sure, he said yesterday he'll be there a day or two, so I don't think we should wait that long just to have Chase open presents."

"That's fair." I sign back. "But enough about that now. You guys wanna play Mario cart?" He said, the others moving to the couch and setting up for their game. I decide to wait for the next round. Instead, I make tea before I sit on the floor in front of Chase.

We play for an hour before I walk upstairs and towards Anti's room. If he left the house, he surely would have taken a knife with him. But his intention can usually be found out by what blade he took. For example, if he wanted to hurt someone, he would take his regular, large kitchen knife, if Anti wanted to take a long stroll or go to a friends house, he would take a butterfly knife or something to fiddle with. I open the door and enter the room, checking his collection. I look through, not daring to touch any of his weapons, and trying to remember what he had. From what I can see, he took his butterfly knife, which means he probably went to one of his friend's houses. Or maybe...

You Can't Hate Me Forever! (Anti x Schneep)Where stories live. Discover now