A Small Present

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Anti's pov.

I walked over to the table hastily and sat in my usual seat next to James and Schneep with my head down, avoiding any eye contact. I see a plate placed in front of me and look at Jameson, who does his usual friendly smile and wave. I do a small smile back and look back down to eat my food, as the other egos talk in the background.

The treehouse... Why has that come into my thoughts all of a sudden? I highly doubt any of them would be there or have been there since our last 'meeting.' I don't even know if it's still standing! But maybe I'll go check tomorrow morning, bright and early. "Hey, Anti?" I hear a whisper next to me, and look up at Schneep to see his sweet smile and sparkly blue eyes and his cute blush and his fluffy hair and his - ahhh!!

"So we gonna chat or what?"

"Yeah... It's probably for the best, huh?"

"Indeed. But not too long, alright? I gotta head back to work in the morning."

"How fun." I throw out sarcastically, rolling my eyes and looking back at his giggling face. Sometimes I think he's just as childish as the rest of us, explains why the nerd got stuck with Brody at his side in high school. "It will be in your office, right?"

"Of course! How come? Would you rather talk in your room?"

"I uhh..... I didn't mean it like-I just- I just meant, umm..." I stutter out, embarrassed. I don't usually stutter in front of other people because I always have my 'tough guy' façade up, but something about talking like this too the Doc makes me feel all funny. And the fact that his giggle is cute doesn't make it any better! My eyes nervously gaze to the side, only for the feeling of embarrassment worse. I see Jackie looking at us, along with Jack, like you would look at your best friend when they're talking to their crush! Talk about high school children. The two Irishmen were glimpsing between themselves and us, while quietly giggling and whispering to each other. I stealthily look at Marvin and Chase to see if they're doing the same, but it seems like only Marv is joining in on their 'juicy gossip.' I straighten my back to say something to the three idiots, but the Doc slides in before me.

"Iv ju have zomezing to say, zen say it. Verdammte Idioten..." He announces with his head still in his palm and an accusing glare towards them. His German accent thickening with the tone. "We were simply talking about how cute you two looked! I mean, look at you! Your noses were almost touching; you were so close together! And not to mention little Anti blushing!!" Marvin loudly gloats with his stupid fucking smug smirk and purple crop top. I feel the blood pour from my neck, and my eyes turn blacker than the void.

Schneep's pov.

I hear Anti let out a warning growl at Jack, Jackie, and Marvin. Looking at him, I can see that his posture had changed from when we had our small talk, and his features were nothing but rage. I've only seen him like this when he has tried to kill us when he would glitch into the house from nowhere and attack the closest person to him. I have it scared into my memory from the KJSE incident. But the only difference from that is the deep shade of pink that's spread across his cheeks.

I didn't even notice that our faces were so close together, so maybe Marvin was exaggerating it. Which is entirely possible considering he's the biggest drama queen to exist. The only time Marvin doesn't exaggerate is when doing his magic. "Says the fuck sleeping with people in the shortest crop top he could find." Anti spits before Marvin shouts, "HEY! That was an accident! Plus, I have shorter tops than this." with a hair flip. I roll my eyes at how dramatic he's being. I also notice that Marvin and Jackie have a dark pink hue on their face, but I decide not to mention anything. "Calm down, guys! You're all acting like my kids!" Chase deterrents with a small chuckle and we all turn back to our dinner.

~Time Skip~

"How come your office is always so... open?"

"Vhat do ju mean?"

"You're in here ALL the time! Yet it barely looks like you've touched anything... Must be the whites."

"Maybe..." We laugh, Anti jumping onto the cot he lay in when he was unconscious, and I wheel my light blue desk chair over towards him. "Now Anti-"

"What flowers are these?"

"Uh... zey are... Anemone flowers, why?"

"They're pretty. Heh... they match the colour of the vase too."

"My miztake... So about earlier today, your 'demon senses'?"

"Yeah, um... I don't- I don't know why that happened." Anti stutters, turning his focus back on the wooden bedside table next to the cot. He grabs one of the blue ice candles from the transparent plate on the corner of the table and brings it up to his nose, smelling it before putting it back. "You're eazily distracted, huh?" I laugh as he gives me an annoyed glare with a small pout. "It's sea zalt." I roll my eyes with a smile on my face. I feel as comfortable as I do when I talk to Chase, which always ends up in childish behavior between Chase and me.

Anti's pov.

It's weird to see Schneeps acting like a child. Usually, he was grumpy and tired, but he seems so chipper. I look around the room at all the science stuff, not only because I like space shit, but also because I don't want to talk about the anxiety attack I had. I have no idea why it happened, it just did. I look at the Doc, just to see him staring at me like a child would when they're watching a good show, or when they see a candy store. Actually... It reminds me of those cute couple competitions where the guy is looking at the girl - WHICH I'VE ONLY WATCHED ONCE!! But it kind of reminds me of they look... ugh. I feel a familiar heat rise to my cheeks and narrow my eyes to try to snap him out of it. The only thing that seems to change is his smile, which just gets bigger, the longer we stare at each other.

"Take a picture. It lasts longer." I deadpan, making my eyes go black to make it seem more threatening, but I become a blushing, awkward mess when Schneep asks, "You want me to get my phone?" He throws me the cheekiest grin and laughs as he leans back in his light Icey blue wheelie chair. "Shut the fuck up!" I yell in embarrassment, really wishing I was playing games or watching anime in my room. "Entschuldigung, mein Freund! But I muzt say, ju look very cute vith ze blush, no?"

"I do not!"

"Zat sounds like denial." He says, spinning in his chair. "It's not f̴̀ͅu̵̧̾c̷̭̈́k̵̰͋i̵͕̾n̴̮̑g̷͙̍ ̷̮̿d̷͎́e̷̛̦n̴̝̐i̷̳͆ă̴̙l̵͍̓!" I yell pissed of. My tone seems to make his expression soften and give me a small smile before getting off his chair and walking out of the room.

His action makes me feel bad for yelling at him. Shit, what if he hates me now? He probably thinks I hate him. Oh shit, oh shit. I think as I stay seated on the bed, panicking. That's until I see him walk back into the room and pass me a book. "W- what's... this?"

"A book, ju have many of zem, Ja?"

"Yeah, but- I just yelled at you and-, and you're giving me something?"

"You've done worse... Anyway, it iz similar to ze other books ju have so I thought ju might like it. Zat and I've been meaning to give it to ju, vut I didn't know if ju liked reading." I look at the cover of the book and read the title. Brute of The Haven. "It looks so ominous. Isn't this book about human experimentation or something?"

"Pretty much, but zat's not everyzing." I smile and look back at him, feeling a fluffiness inside of my chest and stomach. "And you're sure you're alright with me borrowing it?"

"Wouldn't give it to ju othahvize." He smiles back and sits next to me on the bed. Wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer, I rest my head on his shoulder and look back at the book, reading the blurb. "Thank you."

"Anytime Anti." 

You Can't Hate Me Forever! (Anti x Schneep)Where stories live. Discover now