Yonderly Habromania

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Schneep's pov.

"What happened?" Anti asks me, I giggle. The way his eyebrows furrowed together as his bright green eyes seemingly glowed as he stared into my soul made my chest and cheeks warmer. I usually would feel threatened or uncomfortable, but after snapping him out if it, his face changed from threatening to confused and adorable. His lips pierced, and his eyes went slightly bigger. His eyebrows raised, head tilting to the left like a confused puppy..... Shit, I called him cute again! I try to act normal in case he read my mind.

"Mein Gott Anti... We finished step 1, we tried to move on, but you kept shoveling the carpet."

"Oh, sorry..." He replies as he looks to the side, and I take off my mask, so it hangs off my ear and giggle. "It's fine, it's fine! Let's move on, alright? We have to eat at some point... Alvight zen! Let's move to step 2!" I say before carefully grabbing 'Anti's' tactical shovel, and rolling the bucket of soapy water to him. "Zo now ve apply ze ztain vemovah," I say, walking back to my previous spot and pulling my mask back to cover the bottom half of my face, and I follow the others as they begin to clean. 

I make sure that I don't miss a spot, so I save time not going back to anything later, plus saving more time to chat with Anti after we finish. "Hey, guys, what's up?" A voice chimes from the door in front of me, I look up to see Jack leaning against the frame with his arms crossed casually and a friendly smirk. "You've finished quickly," Chase says as he stands up and walks over to rest an arm around Jack's shoulders. "ehe... It was much longer than ya think Chase, anywho... what do you guys want for dinner? We could get Chinese or something if you want." I look at the digital clock next to Anti's bed and see that it's been an hour since we've started, but we've nearly finished cleaning up.

"Chinese sounds cool. I'm starvin'" Anti chimes with interest and his big, signature grin. Jameson then signs to us, "Yeah, how about we all take a rest for the night, and we can finish up tomorrow."

"Zat's iv Anti iz villing to zleep vith ze rest of ze vomit," I say as we look at each other. My cheeks heat up again, but luckily my mask is covering my face. "Uhh... I-I'll think about it over dinner, we still gotta have that chat, remember?"
"Ahh, ov cause!" I muse at him, not forgetting for a single second about the long chat we were going to have about his panic attack or 'demon quirks.'

I don't get why I'm so happy about spending time with him. It was only 3 or so years ago since he tried to kill all of us. I should be terrified. Want to stay as far away from him as possible, but... I don't. Perhaps I'm just worried about him since the whole blacking out and vomiting thing happened. Yeah... that's it.

Jack's pov.

After asking Jameson, Schneep, Chase, and Anti what they wanted for dinner, I went to look for Marvin and Jackie to see if they were interested in Chinese. I went up to Jackie's door and gently knocked on it... Nothing. I knock again just in case he has headphones on... Still nothing.

I gently open the door... I try to suppress my laugh as I see Jackie and Marvin both lying at the end of Jackie's bed, with their legs dangling off the bed. They're both cuddled up, and there is a controller on the floor and in between them. On Jackie's TV, there is Minecraft split-screen. I decide not to wake them until dinner arrives, and I head downstairs and order the Chinese.

~Time Skip~

I finished setting the table, and dinner has arrived. I call out to the others to come down and eat before taking the containers out of the white plastic bag. A heap of footsteps treads down the carpet stairs, and soon Chase, Jameson, and Schneep are at the table, sitting down and thanking me. 'Where's Jackie and Marv?' Jameson signs to me, I smile and reply. "They're in Jackie's room sleeping."

"Together?" Chase snorts. "Yeah, they're cuddled up playing Minecraft."

"Playing Minecraft asleep? They must be pretty good." Schneep muses at me with an eyebrow raised. "You know what I mean, Doc. More importantly, where's Anti? I thought he was coming down with you guys?" I asked, looking towards the staircase in case he was to come down at that moment. "The glitch wanted to finish up cleaning, much to Schneep's protests."

"He should ve down zoon; otherwise, ze boy will starve!"

'He won't be the only one.' 

"Hey, guys..." A whisper-like murmur comes from the staircase and a second voice yawns. "Hey, you two! How was the nap?" I giggle at Jackie and Marvin as they shuffle to the table. "Ju two von't zleep tonight." Schneep scolded the two, Jameson nodding in agreement. "It's fine!!" Jackie exclaims lazily, grabbing some food and placing it onto his plate.

Anti's pov.

I watch silently from my spot on the staircase, getting a strange sense of deja vu, probably from my depressive episode. I sit here whenever the others eat dinner, watch movies, or play board games together. It's my way of being apart of the group. The only issue is that I don't actually eat propper meals, only small snacks throughout the day when they're not watching.

I get mixed feelings of being empty, but I also feel happy. I feel everything and nothing. Maybe I'm so glad that I run out of feelings? Nah... That's stupid. I've gotten really good at keeping quiet when doing this kind of thing, but sometimes my glitching catches the attention of one of them, and I have to run away. My favorite place to hide is in my secret lair - Which is actually just a treehouse in the woods I share with Dark, Blank, and Die. It's our secret place where we used to go to talk and be ourselves without worrying about our reputations being ruined... I miss those meetings.

While I was spacing out, I hear someone calling my name, which snaps me out of my peace and back into reality. "Anti! Come out and eat with us! You can't hide there forever."

"Heh?... How'd you know?" I mutter, crawling from my spot on the stairs and slowly moving to the dining room. "Because you always sit there! You didn't think I wouldn't notice, did you?" Jack exclaimed. My face starts to flush from embarrassment, which isn't really something I get, but here we are... "Come sit with us, bro!" Chase invites me, and I sit in my usual spot next to Jameson and the Doc. I feel like I should be happy, but all I feel is emptiness. I should probably talk to the Doc, but I need to have my guard up.

You Can't Hate Me Forever! (Anti x Schneep)Where stories live. Discover now