I'm So Sorry!

868 38 12

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of cutting, Mentions of abuse?, Self-hate, and Cuddles!

Schnnep's pov.

"Oh, verdammt nein..."

Anti no...

I look at his floating figure as it moves calmly in the water. I tightly shut my eyes momentarily to try to stop myself from crying out. I turn off the water and push the curtain back to get more space to work. I quickly locate the cause of the flooding... Anti's foot is blocking the drain. It seems like this was an accident... well, the flood was. The cuts on his arms were definitely no mistake. I try not to think about it too much and reach down to Anti, lifting him, so he's sitting up against the wall. "Iz zere any vater going into a pover point?" I call behind me to the others in the room. "Doesn't look like it," Jack calls back, "Come on, guys, lets go get some towels to dry the floor up."

"I like that idea, dude. My socks are wet!" Chase agrees with a tone that makes it sound like he's trying to lighten the mood, but I doubt this would be the case if he saw Anti. I feel a hand on my shoulder and breath near me. "We'll be back, okay? Give you a moment with him. And, you know... get some of the pain out. Don't be too hard on yourself, I'm sure he wouldn't want that." Jack whispers to me quietly before giving me a small hug and walks out of the room. I watch the water spiral down the drain poignantly, hot tears slowly gliding down my puffy cheeks. I take off my glasses and set them on the countertop, then turning to Anti.

I admire his pale skin and soft lips, reaching out like I did when this all started, holding his chin and brushing his bottom lip with my thumb.

My heart thumps...

I take his face into both my hands, brushing his cheeks. I know I should probably be rushing to give him CPR right now, but... I move one hand to his chest. His heart beats with a soft rhythm, making mine slow as I calm slightly, and my body slumps. He doesn't need it... I run my hand up, so it's back on his cheek. I move closer to him and lean my face in, softly pressing my lightly cracked lips to the skin showing on his forehead. I let him go and stand up with the red from my puffy eyes and cheeks hiding the soft pink blush, turning to the towels that are hanging up, and I pluck one from its place.

Once all the water has left the tub, I lay the towel over his waist before I wrap it around him and lift him bridal style and carry his limp, skinny frame to his bed, gently laying him on it. His three layers of blankets soak up the dripping water like a big, fluffy sponge. I walk into the bathroom to grab his other towel and his first aid kit, which is filled with punky styled band-aids, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, some alcohol rub, cotton balls and a bottle of pain killers with a note saying 'Only for outside pain, not inside pain!'

"Jou're an oddball, Anti." I huff quietly with affection, half-wishing this whole thing was over so we could go back to the way it was earlier today. I turn to look at his peaceful face again before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. In and out... In and out... In and out. I rub the tears still falling out my eyes. How have I not completely broken? Perhaps... it's experience? 

I use the towel to dry his hair and torso, then heading down to dry his legs and feet. Once I finish there, I throw the cloth into the laundry basket before I turn to the first aid and grab the cotton balls and alcohol rub. Dabbing it along each cut on his arms, before I wrap them in his black, eyeball patterned Band-Aid. I pack away the kit and place it back into its spot, spotting a small spider in the roof's corner. I look at it sit on its web. It seems like it's looking at me... sadly? Maybe it was watching as everything was happening. I peer at the posted note on Anti's circular mirror; 'Don't kill Boo! -Past Anti'

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