Family Night Flirts

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WARNING: Drug jokes, Cards Against Humanity, WW2 joke, and flirting. Is any of this actually worth warning or are yall chill?

Anti's pov.

"I just asked iv... jou'd vorgive me?"

"What do you mean? Of course, I do! Well... maybe I still have a few bits and bobs I have a grudge about... but overall I forgive you." I admit. He smiles with a small, amused huff and moves back and down to burry his warm face in my knuckles. "Zat's good enough vor me." I feel his hot breath on my hands before moving back to his previous position, letting go of my hands and wraps his arms around my stomach with our foreheads touching, and I do the same. We stay like this for a little while, enjoying the other's warmness, when I speak up into his shirt.

"Uh... Could you read to me again?"

"Zhe book I gave jou ze ozah day?" He asks, and I hum in reply. I sit up and grab it out from my bedside table's draw, filled with junk. My chocolate stash, a word search book, Nintendo Switch portable case, a zip-lock bag filled with different buttons, and other... personal... items. I pass him the book and lay my head on his chest while he rests on his back. I wipe the leftover tears from my eyes and snuggle into him. "Vell zen... vere did ve leave off?"

~Time Skip~

"So why did they need to do that to get her powers?"

"Because zey had to veaken her body zo pover veels ze need to move to anozer hozt."

"That makes sense," I say sleepily, my eyes closing when a startling knock comes from the door. "Boys! Come down for dinner. We're going to have a family night!" Jack yells excitedly through the door. Schneep bends the corner of the page and closes the book before handing it to me. "Halfvay through." He smiles and ruffles my hair. I roll off him, we let go, and he gets out of bed. "Jou coming?"

"Yeah... I'll be a minute, ok?" I mumble, and he nods, before closing the door behind him. I slide the book into the draw and take my phone off the wireless charger, the cool lights going off. I don't want to go downstairs, but I don't have a choice now, do I? I untangle my earphones, plugging them into the phone and shuffling out of the room. My eyes wander to each door before I walk along the hall to the stairs. I stare down, I don't want this. My brain is trying to run back into the bedroom, but my legs are frozen.

I plug one of the earphones into my ear and play the Doom Eternal soundtrack on Spotify. I slowly walk down the stairs, the weight of my body threatening to pull my head over heels. I glitch in fear of a repeat of this afternoon, but It's too late to worry, as I finally take the last step. I turn the corner, and it's almost like nothing ever happened.

Everyone is in their usual seats; Jack, Jackie, Marvin, Chase, Schneep, A blank spot for me, and then Jameson. Jack and Jameson give me a polite wave as I sit down, and Jackie gives me a slight glare. The only real difference is...

"Anti! I honestly zought jou veren't going to come down! But here, jou are!" Schneep gleams at me. "And miss out on food? No way!" I smile back. "How are you feeling, Anti?" Jack asks me with a concerned tone. He must still be worried about before. I take a moment to think about the question, my head tilting to the side. I think about my time with the Doc before we were called to dinner, the warm cuddles, and his soothing voice. I nod to Jack, which makes him seem relieved, and I turn to the food filling the table. I take a couple slices of pizza, put them on my plate, and eat. I listen to the other's muffled conversation, and I start to zone out, Imagining myself in the Doom Games, fighting off evil demons with cool weapons and armor.

"Especially you Anti!" Chase laughs, and I blink myself back into reality. "What happened?"

"Have you been inside his room?! Of course, his face is red, he's burning alive in there!" Marvin shouts to Chase, also laughing. "Wait, what are we talking about?" I ask them, confused, I feel my face. Marvin was right when he said it was burning! "Oh, it's nothing, it's nothing! I was just saying how funny it is that you and the Doc spent so much time alone up there, and now you are both redder than the pizza sauce." Chase laughs, Schneep and I look at each other, shaking his head slowly with a small smile. I look around at the others, who are giving me expecting looks. "Jou have vour layers ov blanketz, not to mention vhat jou vear." Schneep covers.

You Can't Hate Me Forever! (Anti x Schneep)Where stories live. Discover now