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Schneep's pov.

I woke up the next morning feeling warm and relaxed. I sit up in my bed and pull my blue quilt closer to my body, grasping my glasses and sliding them on. I grab and turn on my phone, scrolling through the options on Netflix before I plug in my earphones. I hum to myself as I select the first Saw movie... sure it's not great for 7:00 in the morning, but it sure is a classic!

I was up to the part with the reverse bear trap, which is one of my favorite traps when I notice someone placing a tray on my bedside table out the corner of my sight. Pausing my movie, I look up and pull my earphones out, a pleasant smile forming on my lips. "Uhh, so I was looking up different German breakfasts last night... and well, I had to work within what we had in the fridge..." I chuckle lightly at that. I look over at the tray fondly... a buttered piece of rye toast with jam, scrambled eggs, fruits, a sausage, and coffee. "Jou really didn't have to put zo much vork into zis, Anti," I told him in a pleasant breath. He sat to face me on the bed as I take the plated toast and start to eat. "Well, I said I was going to make you a fantastic breakfast, so I wanted to live up to the expectation."

"Jou never said jou vould make a fantastic breakvast, you just zaid you'd make me breakvast. Plus, I vasn't having high expectations.""You say that like you didn't think I can cook!" Anti pouts, crossing his arms and looking away. I hold a hand over my mouth and swallow quickly. "I didn't mean it like zat! I just meant zat I didn't expect much because I.... uh..." I stumble on my words when I look into his piercing green eyes. He's looking at me as if he was Medusa staring into her victims. Half lidded eyes with seemingly glowing green irises, his body semi turned away while his head faces me. It's hard to tell if he's trying to be playful when he darkly says, "Because you didn't think I could cook?"

"Vell jou offered to make me breakvast az a gesture... so I vasn't really asking vor anyzing too special... All I veally expected vas toast and coffee..." I answer honestly, feeling intimidated by the darkened look I used to see every time he... visited... in the past. My tone showing how intimidated I was. "Haha... don't worry, Schneeps! I'm only kidding...m̸̋ͅe̵̯͠r̷̮͂s̵͓͘t̴͕͑l̵͇͝y̶͚͝..." He mumbles that last word under his breath while glitching, so I can't really catch it. I move the tray to my lap and start eating the rest of my food. We stay there in silence for a bit before Anti changes the subject.

"I finished cleaning that vomit yesterday after I said I'd make you this, so now I can use my VR again... Thanks for helping me with that, by the way."

"Natürlich, mein Freund! Jederzeit... I must zay... jour voom iz impressive. Lots ov secretz."

"What secrets are you referring too?" He asks with a cheeky smirk. I hum, thinking of the best thing to say in response. "Vhat are thoze tubs under jour bed vor?" I say curiously and suspicion. "hmmm... well they're both my... collectibles... I guess you could say. The one closest to the headboard is, as you would suspect, my weapon collection...-"

"Jou have a whole collection, and jou only uze vone knife?" I interrupted, amused, but also worried. "Well, they're unique! I'd hate to get them dirty with human gunk on them! The other one is filled with my special, very personal, very important doll collection." He states proudly, a broad grin on his face. "Dolls?" I repeat, "Like ze antique porzelain China dolls?" I imagine a plastic tub filled with creepy dolls with puffy dresses and rosy cheeks, making myself shudder.

"Oh! No, no, no, not those kinds of dolls! I'm talking about the other ones. Like... they're sorta like barbies but rounder faces... and... lesser body expectations... but some are more like action figures... if that makes sense?"

"None at all," I reply sarcastically. "Maybe you can show me sometime?" I finish half-jokingly, but he seems to consider it and eventually nods. "Why not after you're done? That's- that's if you don't... have anything to do... or something." Anti stutters.

You Can't Hate Me Forever! (Anti x Schneep)Where stories live. Discover now