14. Avyanna, 1863

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Villains are not born, they are made.

Avyanna, March 17, 1863, part 4.

I am calm!

I tried to calm myself for a very long time, a frustrating scream threatening to break free, I chanted under my breath, 'I'm calm, I'm calm, I am calm...' My efforts were slow-progressing, somewhat I'm calmer than before.

The murder plan was absurd, Viv should have been partially impaired to suggest anything of that sort, I made an internal note to apologize to her later, however, she deserves to be reprimanded for her insanity. 

I heard voices travel towards the chamber, I hastily adjusted my gown and hair, sat upright on the bed, and waited for the guests, I may be treated as a slave but I'm still the lady of the house, and my behaviors hold the reputation of the family so should be presented in a lady-like manner. 

The voices neared, there were many and slightly recognizable, the joust laughter was loud, all men, I could tell. 

I waited for them to knock, but I was wrong for they barged inside tailing with my husband, that was very unsettling what if was changing? Surely these men's were not taught manners, although it wasn't much of a surprise, this was the society we live in where women will be disgraced if not follow the rules built by the society, while men were allowed to roam free, act their wishes and speak their thoughts. 

The restrictions only fall for the women. 

I made the move with a heavy heart, "hello gentlemen! I hope you enjoyed the evenings."

My husband came to stand next to me while I spoke, he smiled at me and hooped his hands around my waist, he was acting sweet throughout the day, except for the ignorance manifested while interacting with his friends, but he was improving to be better. I don't understand why Viv suggested we kill him, he will be better in a few days, people change. I believe in it.

"We did my lady," said the brown-haired man with a cunning smirk.

Of course, he did, they all molested me tonight and my husband didn't mind it, the remainder made my previous good thoughts of my husband halter. one thing was remarkable, my husband was acting uncanny, I only hoped this end well. 

I masked my chagrin and dismissed them discreetly, "the dinner will be set by now, gentlemen we hope you stay and enjoy the meal."

"That my lady, we intend to have our dinner here." said one of them.

My husband chuckled in the crook of my neck, he lifted and laughed, "stop it, William."

"Yes William, she needs to be prepared first," asserted the shortest one.

"Stop scaring the lady away," yelped the rugged-haired one.

They all laughed, arguing amongst themself, my lord chuckled at them. I could tell one thing, whatever they were intending to do will not be good, they were up to no good, anyone could tell from their behavior but why were they all here was still a mystery, and their presence forged the disgust to surface above. 

I wanted them to leave my bed-chamber, however, I couldn't ask them to leave, that would make me the bad woman in the eyes of society. sometimes I wondered why should we listen to rules of the society, these were rules created by the covetous men, and predatory women who second them and then realized we live in a world where only the cunning and avaricious succeed, they were the only ones who could survive, the rest would be treated as maids and slaves if opposed.

I stood indolently until their conversation ends, I decided it would be unpolite to not offer them dinner once more, so I announced, "gentlemen, the dinner will be cold if not eaten."

"Isn't she right Augar?" asked William at my husband.

"The guests will be gone by now Augar," snorted the short one.

Exactly! why don't they bid their goodbyes too, forever?

My husband sighed, "so impatient!"

"My lady, they haven't eaten anything since they arrived," announced my lord.

"I can ask the maids to serve them, my lord."

"They want something else, my lady," he proclaimed.

I wondered what they want other than the great supper we arranged, the menu was overwhelming, everything anyone ever could ask for, what else does my undignified friends of my lord wanted, a four-course meal made of gold? I bit back the insult, smiled at them, and offered.

"We can arrange it, my lord, we have everything in our garden, the maid will be quick, I can help them, my lord," they all stared amusingly at me, so I continued, "what do they need my lord? I can help the maids to make it faster."

My husband chuckled, "the maids cannot give them what they want my lady."

"We have everything in the kitchen, or we can pluck it from the garden, just name it my lord," I asserted, the strong urge to impress my husband was making me active, he did a lot to me today. this will be my little remuneration. 

"The maids, the kitchen staff, the garden cannot provide what they wanted my lady, except you wife," my husband laid out and I started wondering what it could be that only I could give? 

Do they need any of my possessions? But they are now my husbands until death, then what else do they need? My few jewelries perhaps. the questions with these men were endless so instead, I asked them, "what do they need my lord?"


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