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Shadow Step [Hollow Sequel] Chapter: 1 Recollection... 

5 Years... it's seems like no time at all, but It's been forever for me. he's been gone for five years. slowly out of contact. I swear I haven't talked to him in at least a year. I have no idea if there band went anywhere or anything. I still think about him... all the time... some call high school love a joke and say it will never last, but who knows, that isn’t true about everything. I still wear the necklace he gave me. like everyday in fact. I keep it tucked away most of the time. why? I'm not sure. just a habit. 

"Mokashira Kanaboshi." I say to the man. 

"Ok if you come along with me I'll introduce you to him." Ok first off Moka isn't really my real name, just a nick name for my  longer name. and I bet your wondering what I did after high school. well I went more into designing. the idea fascinated me. today I was meeting someone for one of my first jobs. it's funny because I'm going to be helping a member of a band design costumes. 

"He's in here." the man says opening the door. in there a man looks at me. he looks a little older then me. he is wearing big dark sun glasses, I can’t see his eyes. his hair is brown with blonde ends. and he has on a black coat.  

"Hello nice to meet you." he says. his voice is very deep. 

"Likewise, I'm Mokashira Kanaboshi."  

"I'm Ruki." maybe he say it in my eyes, but that name.... I mean he didn't sound or look like my Ruki, besides people can have Ruki for a real name right?" 

I guess I had changed a bit too from high school, but I'm still the same girl I was when I was with Takanori. 

the girl was really beautiful. Her brilliant red hair and deep brown eyes. her name almost sounded exactly like Moka's, but it's not the same. what am I thinking? Moka isn't going to just show up here. plus Moka has brown hair not red. 

"Should we get to it?" I say trying to get my mind back on focus.  

"Sure." she says. Nothing major, looked at a couple designs and that was that. later that day we had finished. I stood up and said.  

"Thanks I think your going to be a big help for us." I say with a smile.   


"me too." I say returning a smile. I take my leave and head out to find something to eat. I was board enough to wonder into a more sit down dinner type restaurant.  

"it's nice to know I'm not the only that comes to places like this alone." I hear a man say. I look back and see a man with Blonde and black hair.  


 he smiles at me and I say, 

"yeah, I just kinda ended up here guess." 

"One of those days." he says.  

"You wanna sit with me?" I don't know why I asked such a question, but whatever. 

"Sure." he says with a smile. 

"My name is Mokashira." I say.  

"Kifumi." I say.  

"Oh you must be that new designer that Yuu was talking about." he must have noticed that I was a step behind. 

"The guitarist of the band your helping out told me."  

"Oh yeah, I meant one of them today, his name was Ruki." 

"Oh that's the vocalist."  

"yeah he's a pretty nice guy." 
"He is." 
"Wait how do you know him?" 
"Well, you see I'm the bassist in a band called Born." 

"Wow that's awesome." what is it with me meeting famous people today? 
"Yeah, so we've talked every once in awhile."  

"I see." 
"Oh I meant to say, I love your necklace." 

"Thanks." I say touching the necklace. I had such a nice time with him tonight. it's been a long time since I had a nice meeting with a guy like this. the meal was ending and we were both about to leave. 

"Mokashira, if it's not too much trouble can I have your number? I'd love to talk to you again." 

"Sure." I say giving him my phone and he gives me his. once the numbers are exchanged we both get up and head outside. 

"You wanna ride home?" he asks. 

"Sure." I say he walks me over to this amazing car. I take my seat and he begins to drive off.  

"I'm glad I meet you tonight Mokashira." he says. 

"I'm glad I met you too." I say smiling. 

"I'll see you soon hopefully." he says with that smile as I get out of the car.  

"Yes I'd like that, see you Kifumi." I say shutting the door. he waves and drives off. 

I let myself in my apartment and drop my stuff and head to my room. I change into some different clothes and lay down on my bed. I slowly drifted into sleep not knowing that tomorrow would be a completely new scenario from yesterdays meeting... 

Next Chapter: There and Back Again...

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