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Shadow Step Chapter: 6 Temporary. 

"Well I wanted to ask if you plan to tell Ruki at all?" 

"I obviously have to Uruha." 

"But, your going to keep it right?" 

"Of course. I'm not one to take a human life away." 

"I thought that's what you'd say." 

"Well yeah, but I'm not planning on telling him anytime soon." 

"Why not Moka? he'll Understand." 
"I can't do that... I can't ruin his career."  

"Your not ruining it." 

"He probably doesn't even want kids." 


"I mean, after what he went though with his parents I'm not sure I blame him."  

"Moka I'm sure if you just tell him-" 

"No Uruha... I can't..." we sat there in silence. 

"This is a horrible time... me and Ruki start to get close again and now this..." 

"Moka, everything is going to be fine." 

"How do you know?" 

"I just know..." 

"Well... I better get home Uruha, Ruki will be expecting me." 

"ok. thanks for talking with me." 

"No problem."  I grab my jacket and walk to the door. I walk out the door. I walk all the way home and when I get back all I can do is lay down on Ruki's bed. 

"You ok?" he asks. 

"yeah just tired." he moves the hair out of my face and kisses my forehead. 

"Well then go to sleep darling." 

"Ok..." I don't argue, I'm too sleepy too.  


 I wake up in the morning, rolling over to snuggle with Ruki when I find that his side of the bed is empty. I walk down stairs looking for him when I find a blue note sitting on the counter. 

"Went to the studio be back around 1:00 

Love you so much! 


so for the time being, I went back up stairs to mess on my computer. 

I sat there typing on my laptop going of recording to usual. trying to get as much done as I can so I can see Moka at 1. 

"Uru-Tan!" I hear a woman's voice. I glace over and see Lish giving Uruha a hug. 

"how you been babe?" 

"Better now." he kisses he and I go back to my laptop. 

"Ruki! how my little Moka been." I give her a sekptical look and say, 

"Your Moka." 
"You know what I mean." 

"Fine, just seems more tired then usual."  

"Ah I see." she says. she goes back to messing with Uruha and I go back to my work. 

Finally! 1:00. I close my laptop and put it in my bag. I get up and am about to walk out the door when I over hear Lish and Uruha's conversation. 

"So did she tell Ruki?" 

"No not yet." 

"Well she better soon, because sooner or later he gonna start picking up that she is pregnant."  

Oh god no...  

I froze. I was so shocked I dropped my bag. please tell me I'm not hearing what I think I am. I pick up my bag and walk over to them. 

"What did you say about Moka?" they looked about as terrified as I did. 

"Did you say Moka is pregnant?" they don't day anything. 

"Tell me!" I say. 

"y-yeah..." Lish mutters. my breathing becomes jagged and I sink down. 

"N-no no this, can’t be happening..." 
"Ruki?" I hear him say. I wanted to cry, but no tears came. I had to pull my self together and find out the truth. I stand up and grab my bag and run out of the studio.  

 when I get home I walk in the house slowly and see Moka sitting in the living room. 
"Hey your back." she says. she comes up to me and kisses my cheek. 

"You'll be honest with me right?" 

"Of course." 

"I hear the strangest thing today...." I say sitting down. 

"What." she says sitting beside me. 

"I heard a rumor that.... you were pregnant?" she doesn't say anything. 

"Is that true?" 

"… Y-yes..." she says playing With her necklace. I see tears come down her face. 

"Taka I'm so sorry! I never wanted this!" she says crying into my shoulder. all this time I was thinking about me, when I realize it has to be ten times harder on her. 


"It's all my fault that your career is jeopardized now." 

"Moka it’s not jeopardized." 

"Yes it is..." 
"No, it’s not it's just something we have to get over ok?" she tries to quit crying. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

"Because I didn't want you to worry." 

"Moka... you dork." I say patting her head. 

"I guess I never though any of being a father but I think I can make it work." she looks up at me. I smile down at her. 

"Were gonna be fine ok?" 


Next Chapter: Mistakes...

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