Already Goodbye

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Shadow Step Chapter: 3 Already Goodbye


"Why are you so sad my darling?" he says.

"It's nothing..."

"Well I bet I can make you feel better." he says getting real close. I really didn't care about anything at this point the tender sat my drink in the table and I drank almost the whole glass.

"Got something to forget?" he says.

"might as well." I say staring into the glass. he puts his arm around me and says,

"Look here babe if anyone is going to make you feel like this then they aren't wroth your time." wow that's meaningful.

"I guess your right." I say with a small smile. he looks into my eyes. I feel them pear all the way though me.

"Moka, you’re a beautiful woman. I can't believe that anyone would want to make you feel this way."

"I asked myself the same question." 

He brushes the hair out of my face and smiles at me. 

"Moka..." He says. He kisses my lips and I return his kiss. He pulls me on to his lap and kisses me again. "Tsuzuku..." I say 

"Sorry darling. Your just so irresistible, I don't understand how he could do that to you."

I smile and say,

"Thanks, can I meet u here again tomorrow night?" 

"Sure thing darling." He says with that same smrik. He. Caresses my cheek and says, 

"Until then."

I get up and give him one more kiss before walking off. I stand outside and pull out my phone. How much I wished there were missed called from Ruki. But nothing. I scrolled down till I came to the number I needed. 


"Moka-chan? Everything ok?" 

"Yeah, can u come pick me up?" 

"Sure... But can I ask why? 

"I'll explain everything soon ok?" 

"Ok be there soon" 

"Thanks Kifumi." And I hang up the phone. I sit on the curb waiting for him... 


"Moka?" I lift my head up and thought I saw Ruki, but it was only Kifumi. 

"Let's get you out of this cold." He says putting he arms around me and leading me into his car. 

"Wanna start explaining?" He says. 

"We'll, making a long story short, me and Ruki got in a fight and I ran off."


"I dont know he just started says things like "you don't know anything about me!" And stuff like that. It didn't seem like him at all." I say trailing off. 

"I think you two both just need to cool off." 

"But what if things don't change?" 

"I don't know Moka."

I decided to omit the fact that the whole reason we were fighting anyway was because he thought I was cheating on Ruki with him. That might keep things a little more calm. 

"We'll you can stay here with me tonight ok?" 

"Ok thanks." I say with a small smile.

"Anytime ." He says smiling back. 

"Oh and you'll get to meet a friend of mine. He's staying with me as well." He says. 

"Ok ." 

Later when we get to his house I see a man sitting there with black and blonde hair. 


"You must be Kifumi's friend?" The man says. 

"Yes. I'm Mokashira." 

"Riuki." He says.

So much like Ruki. I mean he didn't look too much like him or sound like him, but it seems there's always something to remind me of him. Us three stayed up and talked for some time before I finally feel asleep. When i woke up it was morning. 

I got my things and was about out the door when I heard a voice.

" in a hurry?" I look and see it's Riuki. 

"I just need to clear my head. Tell Kifumi I'll probably be back please?" 


"Moka you don't seem like the kind of girl that is reckless, but don't try to change that ok?" I had no idea why he was saying something like this but I am thankful for his concern. 

"Ok I will. Thanks Riuki." I say.

"Just remember what I said." He says walking away. I walk out the door and down the street. 

"Ruki... You idiot." I mumble to myself. I feel myself crash into people and I fall to the ground. 

"I'm terrible sorry I say. I look up and see blonde hair and black with a red streak. 

"Moka?" They say. 

"Lish? Akuma?" 

They pull me up and hug me tightly. 

"I'm so sorry moka." Lish says. 

"We'll help you in any way we can." Akuma says. 

"With what?" I ask. 

"Uruha and Reita told us what happens with you and Ruki." When I saw the sympathetic look in there eyes I lost all my nerve. I let all my tears flow and I didn't care who saw. 

"It's gonna be ok." They say trying to comfort me. 

"Damn it. Why can't he just stop being so one sided and believe me?" I say. Nothing he does makes sence anymore. 


"So let me get this strait. You think that Moka is cheating on you?" Aoi says. 

"I don't wanna talk about it." I say. 

"Ruki I know the guy well enough to tell you that that is bullshit. " 

"Aoi you didn't see the way she looked at him.  She never looks at me like that."

"Because Kifumi is her friend and you boyfriend. Those are two completely different things. "

I pound my fist into the desk. 

"Even of your right, there's no way she's even look at me after what I said to to her." 

"We'll you never know unless you try." 

I cover my head with my arms and let out a sigh. 

"Moka hey can't you just get rid of him?" I say to myself. Nothing she does makes any sense...

Next chapter: Secluded...

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