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Shadow Step Chapter: 9 Unity It was a slow day in the Matsumoto house hold. Moka was still sleep and it was already 10. But didn’t really care. As long as she was feeling better. I heard a phone ring. I thought it was mine, but to my surprise it was a “Tsuzuku.” I wonder if it was like the one from the band. There was a voice mail. Not to be snoopy, but I was just curious so I listened to it. “Hey Moka, it’s me, I was just wondering when we could get together again. I really miss your company. Call me when you can.” I thought it was odd. When did she go see him? Call me selfish but I hate it when she hangs out with other guys. I looked though her messages with him and all the dates were from when we were fighting. Now I’m really starting to worry. I have to try and stay calm and not point fingers, or I’ll lose her for good. I can’t let that happen… ~MOKA~ I woke up and saw Ruki sitting there. “Morning.” “More like good evening.” He says smiling at me.” “How late is it?” “10:15” “Oh sorry.” “It’s fine, I’m not going anywhere today.” “Oh.” I get up and get myself dressed. Then head down stairs. “You think I’d be alright if Shinji comes to see us later?” “I don’t see why not.” “Ok.” And I text him. Ruki was kinda acting strange to me. What’s bothering him? I look at my phone a see that I’d had a message from Tsuzuku.” What could he want? But that’s weird. It’s already been opened. Did he read my messages? “Ruki?” “Hmm?” “Can you come here?” I ask. “Sure.” I hear his steps coming closer until I see him and hear him say, “What?” “Did you read my messages?” “No.” “Then why was that one opened?” “Because I read that message not all of them.” “Why?” “Well the name said Tsuzuku and I was wondering if it was the one from a band.” “A Band?” “Yeah Mejibray? Haven’t you heard of them?” “Maybe…” Great he’s famous too. I though he was just rich. “Is it him?” “I think.” “…Moka I’d be careful around him.” “Since when can you tell me who I can and can’t be with?” “I-I didn’t say you couldn’t b with him.” There was a silence. I think I just dug my own grave. “Why are you getting so defensive?” I don’t say anything. “Moka?” “I’m not I just don’t think you can judge people.” “Moka, I saw what he’s done to millions of girls who though they was serious. Fuck and leave.” I don’t say anything again. “You love him don’t you?” “No! Ruki there you go again making assumptions you know nothing about.” “Moka I know that’s the type of person he is. “How Ruki? How?” “Because I was like him… remember?” I bring my head down. “Why can’t you just tell me the truth?” Silence. He storms out and slams the door behind him. “FUCK!” I hear him yell and he slams the house door. I hear a car drive off. I felt myself begin to cry. What am I doing? This isn’t right… I have to forget about Tsuzuku.… I find my phone and say though muffled tears to Kifumi though the phone. “Can you come get me?” ~RUKI~ I drove off. I hate doing this, but she’s so unreasonable and so protective of him. Why the fuck doesn’t she just run off with him? “Hey Aoi?” I say though my phone. “Hai?” “You talked to Tsuzuku yesterday right?” “Yeah?” “What did you say he said again?” “About that girl?” “Yeah.” “That a fiery red head gave him a thrill a while ago.” I dropped my phone “Ruki?” I hear thought the phone. “Fuck no…. this can’t be happening…. It was Moka… Next Chapter: Torn…

Shadow Step [Sequel to Hollow] ~A Ruki Story~Where stories live. Discover now