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Shadow Step: Chapter: 4 Secluded 

We made our way back to my apartment. I sat down on the couch and they sat next to me.  
"So how did this happen?" Akuma asked. 

"We just started arguing and before I knew it I left and that was it." I say. 

"I'm sorry." Lish says.  

I still feel the emptiness. I miss him so much but I can’t bare to go see him now. god knows that he wouldn't want me back.  

I didn't realize just how late it was getting. I saw the clock and said, 

"I have to go meet someone."   

"Who are you going to meet?" 

"a friend." I say before I leave.  

I walk along the gradually darker streets. looking for the same place I came to that night. I finally find it and walk inside. I takes me a moment, but then I find Tsuzuku... 


"Ruki you don’t get it do you?"  

"Just drop it Reita." 

"If you don't go to her you two will never get back together." 

"well if she's cheating on me..." 

"Oh will you stop it! She's not cheating on you." I go back to pouting. 

"Look, you love her right?" 

"Of course I do!"  

"Then why the hell are you still sitting here!"  

"Because Reita, I don’t the first idea where to go to fucking find her! plus what makes you think she will want to talk to me?" 

"Just try it you have nothing to lose." I sigh and close my laptop.  

I'll see you tomorrow." I say before I walk out the door. 

I enter my house and sense the same feeling of emptiness as always. I set my stuff down and head back up stairs to my room. I sit down on my bed and hold my phone in my hand. I guess I did overreact just a little bit. I guess that's when I realized that I really did want her back. And so I began my voice mail.  

"Hey Moka... It's Taka, look I'm sorry that I was such a dick to you. I shouldn't have ever assumed that you were cheating on me. if you can ever find it in your heart to forgive me... please come see me. I really miss you. I love you so much... bye..." 


"How are you today my darling?" Tsuzuku says putting his arm around me. 

"I think I'm better today." I say with a real smile. he kisses my cheek and I lean my head on his shoulder. I took a drink and Tsuzuku lights his cigarette. I kiss him for a second and seemed almost shocked.  

"You ok?' I say with concerned.  

"Yeah." his face quickly turns into a smirk. He put his hands on my hips and kisses me back with more force and longer then I dared. I really didn't care. I missed this kind of affection. I took a break to get more of the sweet liquor in me. Then went back to Tsuzuku. his hands slowly dropping lower and lower. I ran my hands though his hair. And soon came the question.  

"Moka let's leave and go back to my place." I didn't say anything. Hell I don't remember anything, but a few blurs. like, getting up and leaving the bar. Maybe a hectic car ride. I remember almost falling walking into his house. so he picked me up and carried me to his room. I saw him turn the lights down and climbing on top of me. I remember all the kisses and his slowly undressing me. I remember techno music and it being loud, but that could have been the hangover kicking in. I remember all the breathing and how hot our bodies were getting and that was it... 

I woke up in the morning with blurred vision and a painful migraine. I look around and take into account the huge black room I'm in. it actually looked similar to Ruki's, but there were also many differences. I look over at my side and see the auburn haired man with his face down in a pillow. then I look down at myself and notice my clothes strung everywhere around the room. that's when what I remembered came back to me and I threw open the covers and quickly gathered my clothes putting them on. That's when I saw Tsuzuku move, so I quickly sat down and looked over to see if he was awake. his eyes flutter open and says, 

"my fucking head..." he mumbles. 

"morning Tsuzuku." I say brushing the hair out of his face.  

"Hey Babe." he says smiling.  

"I have to go." 


"Because, I have to go to work." I lie. 

"Ok, will I see you later?" 
"Soon ok?" 

"ok." he sits up and kisses me. then I head out the door.  

"Oh man I 

"I've gone too far." I say to myself... 


"So she never said anything back?"  

"No she didn't..." 

"Look Ru-" 

"Reita, just don't Please..." I say.  


I walked back to my house and lied down on my bed. I pulled out my phone and saw that there was a voice mail form Ruki." 


"Ruki.." I say. I look down at my phone I have to make a decision. and so I did 

I pressed the call button... 

Next Chapter: Unwanted...

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